Friday, September 20, 2024

The Diaspora Village Project in Isinya, Kitengela

The Diaspora Village Project in Isinya, Kitengela
The Diaspora Village Project in Isinya, Kitengela

Peter Kahoro of Diaspora Village Projectย had done some homework before sourcing for this project. The land he sourced is now heading to be in one of the most strategic points in Kajiado with the new Bypass Road and Namanga Road meeting there.

These might mean that at the end of it all Kajiado town and Kitengela town will be overtaken by these new junction town. The Bypass road heads down to Koza City then down to Mombasa Road.

When the new Bypass is complete, vehicles from Mombasa to Nakuru will no longer pass through Nairobi city but it will be passing through Koza City, Isinya, Ole Polos, Suswa, down to Mai Mahiu, Naivasha and down to Nakuru.

The Dispora Village has now taken a big turn. Because of its popularity within the area, the road from Namanga Road to the site has been named Diaspora Road by Kajiado physical planning department. Much more land has been sourced within the same locality.

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Now the project will comprise of Blocks A to E. Block A is all now sold out. Block B which is 74 Plots, Block C which is 74 Plots, Block D which is 148 plots and Block E which is 120 commercial plots next to the already completed factory.

All the plots are 1/8 of an acre and this time there are no 1/4 plots. There is also a police post and supermarket area within Block D and E. The prices and value of all these plots continues to rise.

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Those who bought the plots in Block A in last April,ย  bought it at KShs. 400,000. Those who bought apart of Block B in November/December last yearย  bought it at KShs. 550,000. Now the price for all the plots are going for KShs. 750,000 and it will be going for more than KShs. 1 million before they are all sold out. With the Title Deeds of Block A now ready.

The Diaspora Village Management has organised a instalment payment of 12 and 24 months which will be affordable. A beautiful hotel has been constructed next to Block D catering forย  food and accommodation but not apart of the Diaspora Village.

Block E has also given a 2nd access road from Namanga Road. The management of the Diaspora Village in conjunction with Mr. Seed are planning to launch the sale of Block B-E as well as givingย  Title Deeds for Block A and part of B in UK, Europe and USA in a few weeks time.

Don’t be left behind, catch up with these multi-million Diaspora Village Project. Full information coming up on this website soon.


The Diaspora Village Project in Isinya, Kitengela


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