Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kenya Ranked Among The Worst Three Countries To Te Born Into Today

If you came into the world today and could pick your nationality, there are at least 15 better choices than to be born American, according to a study by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The firm looked at 80 countries, scoring them across 11 variables to determine โ€œwhich country will provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and prosperous life in the years ahead.โ€ The results, mapped out above, are both surprising and not.

The study incorporates hard data on facets such as economic opportunity,ย healthstandards, and political freedoms; subjective โ€œquality of lifeโ€ย surveys; and economic forecasts for 2030, when an infant born today would be entering adulthood. Even gender equality, job security (as measured byย unemploymentย data), violent crime rates, and climate are taken into account.

Hereโ€™s some of what I found interesting about the data. Thereโ€™s surely more here โ€“ just as there are surely plenty of holes to be poked in any endeavor to understand life andย opportunity inย only 11 variables.

Money canโ€™t buy you happiness, though it will get you 2/3 of the way.

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The correlation between wealth, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, is clear, though not nearly as clear as you might expect. The report concludes from the results that โ€œGDP per head alone explains some two thirds of the inter-country variation in life satisfaction, and the estimated relationship is linear.โ€ Only two thirds!

If you look at the map, youโ€™ll see that the worldโ€™s richest countries score highly, but not in the top category. The U.S. and Germany, two of the worldโ€™s economic powerhouses, tied for 16th place; Japan ranks way down at 25th. Britain and France score even worse.

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The Middle East offers some great lessons on money and well-being. The region scores poorly in general, with two exceptions. Democratic and developed Israel, which is about as rich per person as the European Union average, ranks 20th. But the top-ranking country in the region, at 18th, is oil-rich United Arab Emirates. Even more telling, though, is the gulf between the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which for all its oil money scores much lower, perhaps due in part to problems such as repressive laws or a lower human development index.

The best countries to be born in are small, peaceful, homogenous, liberal democracies.

Yes, itโ€™s yet another international ranking on individual well-being where the Nordic countries come out on top, alongside Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The top 15 also include Austria and Switzerland, which seem to meet similar criteria. The three best places to be born are, in order: Switzerland, Australia, and Norway.

Hereโ€™s a surprise: the top-ranked countries also include Asiaโ€™s two super-rich city-states,ย Hong Kongย andย Singapore, as well as Taiwan. Iโ€™ll admit to being surprised by the dataโ€™s suggestion that a newborn today is better of being Taiwanese than American or German, particularly because Taiwanโ€™s aging population and declining birthrate could lead the economy to decline. But it does enjoy good political freedoms and improvingย healthย and living standards.

There is some interesting variation among the top-ranked countries. New Zealand ranks seventh overall even though its GDP per capita is low compared to many worse-ranking European countries.ย Singapore, though ranked sixth, is not a liberal democracy by any stretch, and life satisfaction in the hyper-competitive city seems relatively low. But it sure is rich.

Itโ€™s still best in the West.

In spite of Asiaโ€™s miraculous growth and of Europeโ€™s economic decline, factors such as political rights andย healthย standards keep the Western world overwhelmingly desirable. Other than a small number of exceptions, most of which are mentioned above, the top third of the rankings is dominated by Europe and other Western states.

Even Portugal and Spain, for all their very real troubles, score highly. A child born today is likely to have a better life, according to the data, in Poland or Greece โ€“ yes, Greece โ€“ than in rising economic giants such as Brazil, Turkey, or China.

Poverty, violence, and/or lack of freedom define the worst countries to be born into.

Countries with violence, poverty, or political oppression all rank poorly, but the variance within the bottom fifth or so is fascinating. The worst three countries to be born into, in order from the bottom up, are: Nigeria, Kenya, and Ukraine.

Some of the bottom-ranked countries are not actually so poor, such as Russia, which has bad records on political rights and publicย health. Ecuador, backsliding on political rights, is the sole low-scoring country in an otherwise optimistic-looking Latin America.

Though countries like Indonesia and Vietnam are projected to show astounding economic growth over the next generation, they are poor today. This map is a reminder that being born into a poor society, even one that offers opportunities for new wealth, can still mean life-long challenges.

Inequality plus poverty is much worse than just plain poverty.

Three telling cases here are Angola, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, all of which scored much lower than Iโ€™d have expected. Both Angola and Kazakhstan are enjoying rapid economic growth from energy and mineral exports and Ukraine is a middle-income democracy. But all three have severe and worsening problems with economic inequality, which in turn are fueling corruption and poor governance.

Youโ€™re worse off being born in any of these three countries, according to the data, than you are just about anywhere else, including Sri Lanka, a poor hotbed of ethnic violence, oppressive Vietnam, or even Syria. Pakistan places higher than Angola or Ukraine but just below Kazakhstan.

China is still not a great place to be born.

The country ranks 49th out of 80, just below Latvia and Hungary. Thatโ€™s an amazing finding, given that China now has the second-largest number of billionaires in the world after the U.S., and might some day have the most. You would think that, with so many Chinese families catapulting to higher status within a society that is itself seeing historic gains, China would be a great place to be born in 2013.

The statistics are a reminder that, for all of Chinaโ€™s astounding gains, those gains have not benefited all Chinese equally. About half of the country is still rural and 128 million are still below the poverty line. Even in the big coastal cities, the risingcost of living, stalled political freedoms, and worseningย income inequalityย means that the next 20 or 30 years may not be prosperous for a lot of families.

So, if youโ€™re a Westerner fretting about American decline or European collapse, then if nothing else, know that your children have still lucked into one of theย best dealsย in history: being born in the right place at the right time. –ย Washington Post

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