Friday, September 13, 2024

Willy Paul’s Facebook Account Hacked,Learn how to protect yours

The road to success is not an easy one and once you make it, not everybody is happy about it. While a few celebrate with you, most of them work day and night trying to bring you down. In Willy Paul’s case, his enemies are in the gospel industry.

Willy Paul uses his Facebook account to interact with his fans but that came to an end recently after the account was hacked. The Sitolia hit maker said that a lady sent him a spam message deliberately and he has since been unable to access his account.

“A female fan had sent me online link asking me to check out some photos of mine that were allegedly being used on a pornographic site. Upon logging on to the site, I realized that the link was a spam message.”

The hackers obtained his private information including his passwords and have since turned the account to a page.

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“It must have been while logging in that the hackers got my personal credentials and passwords with which they took over my account,” Willy Paul added.

The singer has accused ‘some gospel artists,’ who are envious of his success, for trying to sabotage his career..

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“I believe that this is sabotage because some people in the gospel industry are trying to avenge and bring me down but no matter what tactics they use, I will keep striving in the Lord,” he


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