Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Unveiling New Look Redesigned Diaspora Messenger

Unveiling New Look Redesigned Diaspora Messenger
Unveiling New Look Redesigned Diaspora Messenger

And here it is… After way too many site down times, countless ideas, the new diaspora Messenger is finally here! We’re extremely proud of the results and we hope that you love it as much as we do.

We just revealed a design that would like you to give us feedback and help to identify any bugs. If you come across any tech glitches in the coming days,kindly let us know so that we can fix it.

It was very important to us that the new design keeps some of old site’s aspects while at the same time bringing it up-to-date to current web design standards.

The home page, in particular, does a better job at introducing new visitors to our site. You’ll notice that we separated the navigation into site information and News Categories so that readers can get to content quicker.
If you’ve been one of our visitors you’ll notice that the design is radically different! These are some of the features.

Cleaner Layout:
While the old design had a traditional blog layout, with the latest posts always appearing on the top, the redesigned version is a hybrid between a magazine style and a traditional blog layout. We added 4 category blocks so that we can highlights news in category we think readers like to read.

Responsive Design:
The new site is now fully responsive and looks good, responds and adapts to screen sizes desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. Check out the smart phone version which displays news only while sparing you the ads.It loads fast too!

The old logo served us well and was well liked, we kept it and changed our slogan to match our changing wider demographics: We also re-scaled it so that we can keep clean look to the site.

As you may have noticed, we recently started posting more articles each day. Although news and stories have been and continue to be the essence of our content, we now also en-devour to bring you opinion sections. User can submit content whether it be opinion, blogs letters or just stories and we will make them available on the site.

Social Media.
We made sharing news available as long as you are signed to Facebook or twitter. Readers can share news items they like in “one click “.

Comments will be served through Facebook commenting so that you can share, respond to comments of your comments and include them in your Facebook timelines if you choose to.

The search engine within the site will now include all articles since the beginning of diaspora messenger in 2007.

We have now for the first time enabled subscription to our news posts. This will notify you of any news that you may be interested to read. Subscribe and see how this works.

We all personally love the new design and we expect it to keep evolving based on your feedback. We will really appreciate it if you could still let us know about anything that you’d like us to improve on. Also, please let us know if you happen to find any browser compatibility issues, or issues on any particular mobile devices that you use so that we can address them quickly.

What do you think of the new DM redesign? We welcome your feedback!

Many thanks to our in house web designer,Nick Gachahi


Unveiling New Look Redesigned Diaspora Messenger 

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