Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Kijabe Mission Story: Fake News or Tabloid Story?

A journalist in Kenya complained that they get peanuts for working in any Kenya media houses. Though this is generally true of journalists who are foot solders for Kenya newspapers, there are a few anchors that are paid big bucks. These however don’t do anything but sit in the newsroom and look pretty. Most of the work of journalism is done by the foot soldiers. It is therefore no secret that given the minimal amount of money these journalists make, it is common knowledge that they charge citizens to air or print their story. This is because the media houses do not like to spend money to send these hard working foot soldiers to find out exactly what is going on in any location.

It is therefore very difficult to keep a moral code when it comes to Kenya journalism. Journalistic ethics are often thrown out the window. It therefore falls upon the readers to sift through columns and articles written in these newspapers to distinguish between facts, fiction and fake news: to identify true journalism or juakalism.

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As a writer I often scan through written materials for information and personal entertainment. To this end, very few good columns pass by me without a minute or two of scrutiny. In a column written this weekend by Amos Kareithi of Standard, “Where residents obey strict code left by missionaries 115 years ago”, I noticed several fake ‘facts’.

These are fake points:

  1. Kijabe was a colonial outpost. 2. Kijabe’s moral code was established by the missionaries. 3. Kijabeans live like slaves in a ‘colonial jail”. Kareithi should have spoken to the local pastor or Kijabe local management for facts!

These are the true facts:

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Kijabe was not established as a colonial outpost: It was established as a Christian evangelistic outpost. The purpose was laying a foundation for Christ’s command in Mathew 28:19 “go ye therefore into the world and make men my disciples…” This mission station stands as a testament of obedience to this call of Yesu Kristo. Through Kijabe, Kenya, and the whole of east and central Africa have been evangelized!

Elders composed of both American missionaries and Kenyan converts established Kijabe’s moral code. One of the converts was pastor Johanna Nyenjeri Njoroge (1885-1984): first Kenyan pastor in Kijabe. The idea of the moral code was in acknowledgement of the fact that the world and the devil have already a well-established system of temptations for the youth. They did not want to assist the devil by encouraging alcoholism, health hazards from smoking, drug addiction and its effects on the life of the youth. Also, unwanted pregnancies resulting in children growing up without fathers and destruction of the lives of young girls.

As one who calls Kijabe home, Kijabeans are some of the happiest people in the world. They live in a village where people accept the nature of the world and the devil: and seek God to fight him with grace and mercy. Kijabeans seek to raise their children under the umbrella of faith in Yesu Kristo. They believe that children are innocent and that innocent must be protected and preserved at all costs.  Kijabe hospital represents the best of international medicine by having both Kenyan and western doctors: This result in medicine from both worlds. That is why Kijabe hospital stands as one of the best hospitals in Kenya. The wealth of both Kenya and western doctors is priceless! Every Kenyan president, from Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki, and Uhuru Kenyatta have praised Kijabe mission for its heath care system and the preservation of nature and protection of the youth!

Kijabeans try every day to actuate the requirements of the gospel: They acknowledge the evil in the world and humanity. Then they accept the fact that they themselves are not perfect. By so doing, they cry out to the savior who by grace offers not only salvation but also the Spirit of God and the angelic beings to guide them through this world of sin and decadence. Kijabeans acknowledge that the youth must be brought up under the umbrella of this divine grace, to not only succeed in life, but to serve humanity according to Christ’s call to love thy neighbor as one loves themselves.

Today, elders who are Kenyans manage the mission station. But as a Christian mission we Kijabeans are pleased that at least our children are brought up to fear God, and to strive to live out the life of Christ. Are Kijabeans perfect? No! That is why they emphasize that all the residents seek Christ and his Kingdom and fellowship with fellow believers: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. Mathew 6:33

Teddy Njoroge Kamau (Ph.D)

A Proud 3rd Generation Kijabean

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