Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Diaspora Perspective:How to Handle Criticism

Have you ever been criticized? Have you ever been told to your face some things that you felt were not right? Have you been attacked by someone saying things that are not true or not what it is supposed to be? This has happened to me countless number of times, it happens to people everyday. How are we to respond to this? Here are some helpful points I came across.


  1. Don’t argue.

This is especially when what is being said about you is not true. Tell the person “I am going to consider what you are saying.” You are actually telling the person that you place value on what they are saying.

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2. Thank your critic

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention.” When you say that, the person will know that whatever he/she has brought has been received. That helps for the criticism not to continue.

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3.   Is there anything else?

Ask your critic, ” Is there any other thing that you can say which you have not said?” By so doing, you let your critic pour out everything that is in him. This gives you a way of either correcting the issue if it is found to be true, or deal with the issue.

4. Appreciation

Tell your critic that you appreciate them bringing the issue to your attention and that it will help you to grow. Let them know you appreciate not only the good things, but even the bad things that they said to you.

5. Have a lively appearance.

Don’t frown.  Give a smile. You will be better off the next time someone criticizes you.  Let love motivate you.

Lessons by Dr. Albert Kitcher

By Liz Ekakoro:Diaspora Messenger contributor,

Liz Ekakoro
Liz Ekakoro
Writer and contributor of Diaspora Messenger

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