Kenyan woman Charity Muniu passes away in Atlanta Georgia
We announce the sudden death of Charity Muniu of Marietta, GA. She is survived by a 1 year old son Jayden Muniu. Sister to Paul Muniu of Acworth, GA and cousin to Bobby Kaberi of Kennesaw, GA. Charity was taken ill on Monday July 22nd while at work and suddenly succumbed to illness on Wednesday July 24th while at work. Friends and relatives are meeting everyday at Paul’s residence 4321 Logan Way Acworth, GA 30101 from 6.00p.m to 9.00p.m.
Kindly channel your contribution via Bank of America
Account number 334041358722 Under Paul Muniu zip code 30101.
For more information contact:-
Bobby Kaberi Tel.678-457-7370
Paul Muniu Tel.770-670-9057
Kenyan woman Charity Muniu passes away in Atlanta Georgia