Sunday, March 16, 2025

Word of the Day: The Check List

Word of the Day: The Check List
Word of the Day: The Check List

In 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 we are given the attributes of love which we can use as a love check list. When anger wells up within us we can refer to these set of verses to help us relate with people around us. It’s funny how when you’re angry, all logic jumps out of the window and you say all manner of things.

However, how you react after you speak in anger matters a lot. When we say words that injure others we need to humble ourselves, ask for forgiveness and apologize for our angry outburst to the other person. Next time we find ourselves saying angry, bitter things let’s remember the love’s Check List in 1st Corinthians 13. Better yet, let’s consider our words before we say them.

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Today let’s ask the Lord to fill our hearts with Christ-like love, with goodness, kindness, care, lest bitter thoughts and hurtful words find their way. The Lord is gracious and He can sweeten our bitter feelings when we take them to Him in prayer.

When anger wells up within us we can refer to these set of verses to help us relate with people around us. It’s funny how when you’re angry, all logic jumps out of the window and you say all manner of things.

However, how you react after you speak in anger matters a lot. When we say words that injure others we need to humble ourselves, ask for forgiveness and apologize for our angry outburst to the other person

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1st Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient, love is kind.”

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