“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Revelation 12:11)
She walked up to me after I had just addressed a young professional women’s meeting. With tears in her eyes, she shook my hand and introduced herself and asked me “How did you get to where you are now in your professional life?” I grabbed her hand and held it tight to assure her that I was going to share with her my journey. She continued to say, “Can you give me some advice on my career, I’m graduating soon and I need some help”. We sat down and I started sharing with her my story by saying “My journey in life has been made possible by the Grace of God”. Because of his unmerited favor, God has given me what I did not deserve. I didn’t deserve the blessings, but he gave them to me anyway. I shared where I was born, what I have gone through as a woman and a black woman at that in a male-dominated field. I then concluded our conversation by telling her that in life what matters is knowing yourself; what you want to do and going after it. She looked at me and she said, “I needed to hear your testimony because I was at a verge of giving up and settling for anything in the name of a job. However, hearing your story, you sound like you are a miracle and I want to believe that I will thrive in my career”.
Many times in life we complain about what we are going through or what we went through to get to where we are. However, nothing you have been through is a waste. When God allows us to go through difficulties, it is for a reason. Most of the times it is for someone who later will want to hear your story and be moved to action, motivated, encouraged, or be moved to resurrect a dream or a vision. The testimonies of your struggles become a treasure to someone’s dream or vision. Your testimonies also serve as an indication of your victory in your current battle. That is, if the Lord delivered you from an impossible past circumstance, if he bailed you out of joblessness, financial hardship, poverty or he healed you of your sickness, he is going to do the same in your current difficulty because he doesn’t change, he is the same God. I have a battle sample song that I sing when in battle. It says, “And God can do it, and again and again, cause he is the same God today as he always has been, yesterday, now and forever he is always the same. There is no reason to doubt, God can do it again”.
For our testimonies to make an impact in other people’s lives, we must first identify with the pain of our audience. We must allow the spirit of God to help us make our testimonies compelling in the sense that we are constrained by the love of Christ. You might have noticed that there are some testimonies or stories that God has never allowed you to share with anyone. Some of your testimonies have been shared quite often, and then some day God positions someone your way that needs to hear that testimony you have never shared. This tells me that God uses our testimonies to meet a specific need in someone’s life.
In the book of Acts, Paul connects with his audience by citing his qualifications or credentials in a way that demonstrated God’s transforming power. He says in Acts 22:3, “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors. I was just as zealous for God as any of you are today”. Paul used his testimonies to speak into the lives of others. If we have not experienced the power of God in our personal lives, we have no business talking about his power. We cannot take others where we are not willing to go or never been. The transforming power of God is released when we take someone’s hand and say, “Let me tell you, how I overcame. Let me tell you how I have handled a similar situation. Or simply saying “my life has been a miracle and I believe yours will be”. David used his past testimonies as a shepherd as he got ready to fight Goliath. You too can share your testimony to empower you and to overcome your situation this week. Think of the goodness of the Lord in your life in the past, and apply his past faithfulness today over your circumstance. Remind the evil one that he who fought for you in the past is still alive and he will come through for you.
What does your testimony do to God? When God hears your testimonies, he gets glorified and he trusts you with more favor and more of his Grace. He knows that your victories will become a source of his power being revealed. As God pours his favor in your life, remember that “to whom much is given much is required” (Luke 12:48). The thought of the day’ in a recent issue of Forbes Magazine said, “Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshiped”. Never deny the one who has brought you this far, never willingly or purposely let him down. Purpose it in your heart to give him glory, as you climb up the ladder of success; mention him as the source and power behind you. David said in giving God glory in Psalms 59: 9 “But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the loving kindness of God forever and ever. I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it, And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones”. Do not compromise. Remember your prosperity was or is not on how well or hard you work or how educated you are or how rich you are. It is not by mighty nor by power, but by the spirit of God. Do not deny him in your actions thinking you will make way for yourself. I am reminded of Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna and martyr. When asked to take an oath, and be released by cursing Christ, he responded, “Eighty-six years I have served him, and he never did me any wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?”
Have week full of God’s Grace and remember you are a miracle.
By Evangelist Isabella Mwango
Inspiration: The Power of Our Testimony
Inspiration: The Power of Our Testimony
Inspiration: The Power of Our Testimony
Inspiration: The Power of Our Testimony