Funeral arrangements & Daily prayer meetings for the late David Mbugua are being held at Pastor
Mugweh’s residence , 404 Kentmore Terrace, Abingdon MD 21009 from 7pm.
We will have a wake on Friday,5/16/2014 at March Funeral Home,4300 Wabash Ave, Baltimore MD.
21215 from 6pm-8pm.
Fundraising will be held on Saturday,5/17/2014 at 9600 Pulaski Park Drive, # 115, Middle River, MD
21220from 4pm.
Final viewing and Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, 5/18/2014 atMarch Funeral Home , 4300
Wabash Ave, Baltimore MD 21215 from 2pm-4pm.
Your presence, prayers and financial support are highly appreciated.
* 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 *
“Thank, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he is our Father and the source of all mercy and
comfort. for he gives us comfort in our trials so that we in turn may be able to give the same sort of
strong sympathy to others in theirs ”
For more information please contact:
Julie Weche (410) 303 3335
Karanja Mwaura (410) 409 9340
Pastor Mugweh (410) 236 5401
Evans Ogora (201) 618 7767
Dominic Macharia (302) 521 2264
John Kariuki (443) 676 2007
Sylvia Fitzhugh (240) 533 1430
Roy Onyeka (443) 682 4937
Jeff Kioko (443) 447 3932
KG (410) 905 7044
Dickie Careece (443) 529 6426
Agatha Mugo (443) 525 1771
Funeral arrangements & Daily prayer meetings for the late David Mbugua are being held at Pastor
Mugweh’s residence , 404 Kentmore Terrace, Abingdon MD 21009 from 7pm.
We will have a wake on Friday,5/16/2014 at March Funeral Home,4300 Wabash Ave, Baltimore MD.
21215 from 6pm-8pm.
Fundraising will be held on Saturday,5/17/2014 at 9600 Pulaski Park Drive, # 115, Middle River, MD
21220from 4pm.
Final viewing and Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, 5/18/2014 atMarch Funeral Home , 4300
Wabash Ave, Baltimore MD 21215 from 2pm-4pm.
Your presence, prayers and financial support are highly appreciated.
* 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 *
“Thank, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he is our Father and the source of all mercy and
comfort. for he gives us comfort in our trials so that we in turn may be able to give the same sort of
strong sympathy to others in theirs ”
For more information please contact: