JUJA MP Francis Waititu Munyua has filed a police report saying he was robbed of a Sh56,000 smartphone and his belt in a hotel in Kirinyaga county bordering Embu county.
The theft occurred on Friday September 12 and he reported the matter the same day at around 9.30am at the Embu Police Station, the nearest police station to the hotel. The report was entered in the police Occurrence Book.
Sources told the Star he had been robbed by a woman companion at the hotel. When the Star called the legislator for comment, he said he had spent the night at the Owoods Annex Hotel and that his phone and belt were stolen. He denied that any money was stolen, though sources privy to the matter said Sh55,000 had been taken.
โI donโt carry such a big amount of money on me. Whoever is telling you about the story of a woman is a liar. I donโt go picking up women anywhere. I am a married man. The matter is already with the police,โ Waititu told the Star.
He said he had left the phone, a Samsung 19300, in his room and left briefly, before someone entered and stole it, along with a belt. He said he suspected a member of the hotel staff.
Sources at the hotel and others within the police said the MP was with a team of fellow legislators on the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture who were on a fact-finding mission in the county.
Sources told the Star the MP went to the hotel on Friday past midnight with a female companion and had drinks. He then retired to his room. They said the woman awakened very early and tried to slip away but hotel staff sent her back, saying she could not leave without her companion’s permission.
The woman later left after 7am and because it was daylight, no one stopped her, sources said. Sources said Embu police transferred the case to Kirinyaga county, where the incident took place, to facilitate investigation in that jurisdiction.
– the-star.co.ke