Friday, July 26, 2024

VIDEO: Discord in NASA?-Kalonzo accuses NASA colleagues of bribing poll firms

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has claimed that opinion polls have been bribed by some National Super Alliance and Jubilee members to influence the public opinion ahead of August General elections.

The Nasa principal said Kenyans have become tired of cooked up figures released by opinion polls during electioneering period and they are going to deal with opinion poll firms head on.

He was addressing residents at Gongoni in Magarini during his second day tour in coast to back support for Wiper party and the Nasa coalition, while accompanied by Makueni Governor Kivuta Kibwana, former ambassador Ali Chirau Makwere, Kilifi gubernatorial aspirant Michael Tinga and his Kisii counterpart Lumumba Nyaberi among other aspirants in Kilifi County.

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