Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Role of Bishop Stanley Michuki in Facilitating Peace in Kenya

The Role of Bishop Stanley Michuki in Facilitating Peace in Kenya
The Role of Bishop Stanley Michuki in Facilitating Peace in Kenya
Bishop Stanley Michuki, brother of the late internal security minister John Michuki is in US popularizing the Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches and ministries, an organization that seeks to foster peace in Kenya ahead of the 2013 General election. Here below is the concept and mission of the organization

For a long time, Kenya has been considered as an island of peace in a region of turmoil. In sharp contrast to what was happening in the neighboring countries such as Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and the entire Great Lakes region, Kenya was truly an island of peace, a mediator and arbitrator of conflicts in its neighborhood and continues to play such important roles especially in Somalia and Sudan.

 Apart from sporadic and intermittent conflicts in the north and other arid areas of the country as well as some pockets within peri-urban informal settlements (slums) and gang-like activities (Mungiki in Central Province and the Sabaot land Defence Force in Mt. Elgon), Kenya has been largely peaceful with robust civil society and state agencies playing pivotal role in preventing and managing these pockets of conflicts.

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Nevertheless, the pervasive nature of armed conflicts in these pockets of the country has largely inhibited efforts to improve economic capacity and performance and contributed to its underdevelopment.

But despite of this relatively favorable peace index in the region and continent at large, the post-election violence of late 2007 and early 2008 was unprecedented both in scale and severity and at the same time confounding not only Kenyans themselves, but global audience as well. This violence that lasted for almost three months left over 1300 people dead with upwards of 500,000 internally displaced. The sad thing is that almost five years down the line, some people are still living in makeshift IDP camps despite of the concerted efforts of civil society and government to resettle the IDPs and promote national cohesion, healing and peace building programmes.

What confounded many is the fact that the church remained silent during this mayhem that almost brought the country to a standstill.

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As a result, the Kenya congress of Pentecostal churches and ministries feels that  proactive conflict prevention should be enhanced with the aim to contain and reduce the intensity, the duration and the geographic spill-over of the violence. The church being a great refuge in the community should participate a great deal in this undertaking of peace initiatives.


Goal: To undertake a national peace education and conflict management programs through the church structures and ministries in order to achieve sustainable peace in Kenya.


a) Identify conflict systems, trends and dynamics in Kenya and how the church can facilitate coexistence.

b) To set up trainings and workshops on peace and conflict management in every county as well as peace ambassadors who will available as mediators.

c) To utilize the church platforms and structure to propagate peace and enhance social coexistence and to consolidate peace in the country.

d) Identify key stakeholders in conflict prevention including their respective comparative advantages and possible synergies

e) Participate in the ongoing peace efforts including putting structures in place which involve churches communities and other actors .

f) organize city wide forum, peace prayer rallies and marches in order to proclaim peace and enhance unity of purpose.

3.0 Project Strategy/ Listing of Project Activities

A team of consultants or personnel seconded by the various organizations and churches will be working in different regions’ and counties addressing particular conflict issues.

Peace clubs and Peace ambassadors will be trained and equipped with appropriate skills and tools to enable the train others in schools, churches and community. As ambassadors of good will and peace they will provide accessible personnel for conflict resolution and mediations.

The Kenya congress of Pentecostal churches and ministries will work with community groups, boda boda groups, youth groups, football clubs etc and organize seminars and workshops for the them.Strategic meetings for me, youths women and couples will be organized to provide forums for discussions and trainings.

The field trainings will utilize a combination of methodologies including key informant interviews, and focused group discussions to impart the necessary attitudes and knowledge. At minimum, this field survey will ideally try to answer the following key questions in conflict analysis:

• What are the key conflict issues/indicators and how can you deal with them?

• What factors or issues can put a break to the conflict (peace agents)?

• Who are the key actors in the conflict or peace process including their respective agendas, actions and alliances? etc


The project will be housed within the Kenya National congress secretariat training and development department with a special Project Coordination team set up to steer the process.

The training Coordinator will be in charge of the overall process and responsible for quality assurance and timely delivery of results.

The Coordinator will be assisted by a smaller team of Kenya congress county committees based in every county.

Analysis Group comprising a representative from key stakeholders from relevant ministries and partners will from time to time be allowed to scrutinize the work so far carried out and inject relevant advice.


5.0 Financial Resources

The successful undertaking of this process will depend upon sufficient funds among other practical considerations. In this regard therefore, funds for this process will be sourced from participating organizations. A realistic budget will thus be developed for resource mobilization.

Resources will go towards training, facilitation, transport as well as purchase of training materials and other resources that will assist in spreading the message of peace through print posters and pamphlets.


 Chairman & Founder,
Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches & Ministries
A United, Credible Voice for the Body of Christ
P.O. Box 62197
00 200, Nairobi
cell:+254 721 450265; 708 121541
US Phone number-301 825 4393

The Role of Bishop Stanley Michuki in Facilitating Peace in Kenya

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