It’s with great sadness and humble acceptance that we announce the death of Peter Ngigi Mbugua of Ngong Town Kenya who lost his life on Friday the 30th at Llandough Hospital Penarth, Cardiff, Wales, UK through long battling illness, his son Mr. Stephen Mbugua Ngigi and the committee of Cardiff would like to transport the body back to Kenya to his final rest. Friends and relatives are meeting at 155 Moy Road Cardiff, CF24 for funeral arrangements 7pm – 10pm starting 3rd December 2012. Any financial contributions can be made directly to the Natwest Bank; Account Holder: Steve Mbugua Ngigi, Account number: 67379192, Sort code: 50-42-37. Your support will be genuinely appreciated. For more information please contact Steve Mbugua on 07824387630 or one of the committee members Peter Mari on 07774919260.