When a drug addict wants to get clean, the very first step he/she takes is acknowledging the situation that they are in. Accepting where they are at that time is a crucial step towards seeking help. Denial is the worst enemy during rehabilitation. Without acknowledging that one needs to change, all effort done is usually a one step forward two steps backwards situation. Denial easily turns hard work to wasted time, energy and money.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that we would not like to be in. Maybe it’s your current job, business, relationship or even your personal health. That situation you would rather die than talk about. Deep down you know that it’s eating you from the inside. You are certain that you are headed in the wrong direction but still, you want to make everyone think that everything is all right. You want to make yourself believe that you are okay.
Unless you come out of that closet, it’s just a matter of time and everything will come crumbling down. It doesn’t matter how long it’s going to take, it might be in a few minutes, hours, days-months or even years and this time, you will not be able to hide it. It will be all out in the open for everyone to see. The roof will cave in and come down on you real hard and after all said and done, when the dust settles, there will be pain, shame, anger, agony, guilt, resentment and more.
If at all you will be able to come out of this hole, it will not be easy. You will have to go up the same way you came down. We must all avoid being delusional. Avoid engaging in wishful thinking. Accepting a mistake goes a long way in retracing your steps. Wishing our problems away is simply being naĂŻve.
Proverbs 24:16:For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity …