Swallow your pride. Learn to accept it when you are wrong. It does not hurt to acknowledge a mistake. These are probably some of the most important values that we must hold dear to ourselves if we are to make any meaningful progress in anything that we do.
We all love to believe that we are the best at what we do. Always confident that the decisions we make are well thought out and are least to say-fail proof. Well, no one is perfect. Not every idea we have is a perfect idea. Sometimes we may think that we have everything under control and even become angry to anyone who seems to cast some doubt over our decisions.
It is always good to believe in ourselves and to have confidence in everything that we do, but when our actions appear not to be working out, it is always good to revisit your game plan and see whether there is something that you might have overlooked or a step that you might have skipped. Listen to worthy advice and if you are wrong, swallow your pride and accept that you have to choose a better course of action. Sometimes, being too rigid to your wrong ideas actually does more harm than good.
Proverbs 11:2:Â When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom….