Tuesday, March 4, 2025

“Burning Yet Not Consumed,”- Dr. Karimi

Isaac Kinity:Last Sunday, the 2nd. of June this year I was among hundreds of Kenyans who came to Lowell MA to attend the Launch of “Burning Yet Not Consumed”, a book that was written by Rev. Dr. Karimi Mumbui. Although I had not slept for two days, after I left my house in Connecticut in the late hours of Friday night, for Baltimore where I attended a colorful wedding of the daughter of my friend Maina Ngobu, which was attended by many members of our Kenyan Embassy Staff from Washington DC including the Deputy Amassador, Ms Jean Kamau, I had to drive again from Baltimore to Lowell in the night of Saturday, the 1st. of June (this Month) to attend the Launch of the book ” Burning Yet not Consumed” Rev. Dr. Karimi, my long time friend and my one time fellow student at the Kenya Water Institute, where he was the Secretary of the Student Council as well the Sunday Student Preacher at the Institute, had invited me for the ceremony. There were hundreds of Kenyans who came from different parts of USA, who included Bishops, Reverends and Pastors from different denominations and churches around Massachusetts and its environs and also from other far away States. The high attendance made the ceremony a very colorful event. At first I knew very little about the book but after an introduction of the book was read out to us, I discovered how impressive the book was. When I went home and read a copy of the book I had from Dr. Karimi, I found a lot of new staff that I did not know. This is a book that can be used in schools, in homes and by the clergy. It can be a very helpful book to students both here in USA and back home in Kenya, it can help couples and bring harmony in homes, it can also help the clergy in their preachings and it can also be effectively used in counseling. Some Africans have proved that the African people can make positive differences in the world we are living in today. Some Africans have already made that difference but very many others are shy to release their wide knowledge they have on very important matters that affect the lives of many people in this World. I take this opportunity to thank Rev. Dr. Karimi for writing this wonderful book and I plead with many others who have helpful knowledge and information that can help other people, to come out and write books in order to educate masses. Kenyans have always been singing about Civic Education which they think is important and can be helpful to the Kenyan masses. Writing a book is one way of imparting Civic education to the masses, and although this is not the only way of doing so, those who can write books should do so as Rev. Dr. Karimi has done. Africans should not only rely on information and knowledge from outside but should try hard to read books written by their fellow Africans, and also listen to those who can speak out because some Africans have proved they are capable and can do the unthinkable. The book costs only $20 which most Kenyans can afford, here in USA and back home in

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