First Lady Margaret Kenyatta launches Scholarship Program
First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has launched the Binary-First Lady of Kenya Scholarship Programme, an educational partnership with Malaysia that will enable more local youth to acquire skills relevant to the country’s development needs.
The Scholarship Award of six Masters and four Ph.D will provide opportunities to deserving bright Kenyan students with academic credentials to further their education in the Asian tiger country renowned for its technological and commercial progress.
Speaking during the Monday launch, the First Lady said the scholarship scheme would be administered and awarded to deserving students through the Ministry of Education.
Mrs. Kenyatta encouraged the university to seek cross collaboration with local universities to nurture talent in management and entrepreneurship. Several Kenyan students are currently enrolled at Binary.
She said the Binary-First Lady of Kenya scholarships will go a long way in complementing government efforts in providing higher education to Kenyans.
“Kenya and Malaysia enjoy warm and fruitful relations. Malaysia has been recognized as a regional hub for higher education due to its high standard of education and affordability. As a result, there are more than 1,000
Kenyan students pursuing higher education in Malaysia in different fields,” the First Lady said.
The First Lady said Kenya has made remarkable strides in technology and took pride for being the world innovator of MPESA, the mobile money service that has revolutionalized money transfer and provided a model to
be emulated by other countries across the world.
She thanked the University founder and Executive chairman Prof. Joseph Adaikalam for choosing Kenya as the recipient of the Binary-First Lady scholarship.
First Lady Margaret Kenyatta launches Scholarship Program