What begun as a normal day turned out to be a tough day. I walked into the government office not knowing the outcome of my application, but I was not prepared for what I was about to hear. Upon reviewing the documentation, the lady gave me very bad news. Paralyzed at what she had just said to me, she gave me a few moments to be alone and reflect. I felt like I was in what my niece Jasline in Minnesota calls “the morning reflection room.” I drove home in tears just thanking the Lord for the outcome. I just kept saying “God I thank you for your faithfulness” with my favorite worship music loud in the car I sang along. When I got home I could not cry anymore, but I just sang and danced to a Swahili song that talks about the victory of Jesus over the cross and the grave. For one hour I listened to the same song and danced like I had just been hired to do just that. We are more faithful in doing things when we know that we will be compensated. However, there was none of that in my case. As I sang and danced, I felt the heavy weight of worry and anxiety get lifted off me. I also noticed that my focus and level of concentration increased, and I started thinking clearly. I then heard this voice inside of me say read exodus 16: 20, which says “Sing unto the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and its rider he has thrown unto the sea”. In a month’s time, the decision that had been made against me was reversed in my favor.
The amazing thing about Daniel chapter 6, is that the King himself does not curse Daniel as they throw him in the lions’ den, he instead utters words as if he is praying for him. I am not sure if this was intentional or mockery. However, the Bible says the king simply said these words,” May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!” I want us to focus on the words, “your God whom you continually”. The king had knowledge of Daniel’s devotion to God. Does the devil know of your devotion to God or do your enemies know of your covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus? Do you continually serve the Lord regardless of what you are going through? In pain, in difficult situations, or in making decisions, do you choose Godliness over your feelings, public opinions, and political correctness? David said, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteousforsaken, nor hisseedbeggingbread” (Psalm 37:25). He had seen God through all seasons of life.
You must prepare and position yourself for victory over life’s battles by celebrating the victories of the Lord in your life in the past. In your situation today, reflect of how much the Lord has fought your battles, count his victories and remind yourself of his faithfulness over your life. Name his victories in your life, list them and remind him of his victories that run through out the Bible and celebrate them. As you do, your current situation will turn out to be victorious. Remind yourself of victories over those that have gone before us. It is in reflecting on God’s past victories that we are able to face the challenges of our daily life. Remind the devil of how the Lord came through for you; remind him of his defeat in heaven, at Calvary, and in the grave. Remember what the word of God says about the devil and how God fights on your behalf. As Isaiah 59:19-20 says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Redeemer will come to Zion”
Be fully convinced and persuaded that the battle you are fighting right now has, was already been fought on your behalf, even before you were formed in your mother’s womb (Isaiah 49:1), victory is and was already won, and all you are doing is reaffirming the victory by acting victorious. My Indian brethren taught me a song many years ago that has kept my life full of life in battle. It says, “He’s already provided”, by Martha Munnizzi. Everything we need he has already provided. Friend and child of God, I beseech you by the mercies of God to choose to see yourself the way God sees you, not how man sees. Choose to call yourself by what the Lord calls you, not what the world or men call you. Choose to agree with what the Lord tells you, even when the whole world is not in agreement with you. In order for you to celebrate the victories of the Lord, you first must agree with God. Establish who is he and who you are in him. These two facts are the key element essential to
It is my prayer that as you read this simple article that you may find comfort for your heart’s longing. May the Lord take this simple non-Greek and non-Hebrew translated message and make it the very answer and confirmation to what he has been saying to you, even as we come to the close of the 2013. Remember the goodness of the Lord in your life, just celebrate over the many answered prayers that he answered, and glorify the Lord with me as we usher in 2014. I am very expectant of what he is about to say to us concerning the New Year. If you are in the San Jose area next Tuesday, December 31st, please come join us for a whole night prayer, seeking the face of God before the new year, trusting him for 2014 and hearing his voice. Before the year-end just write down the pending unanswered prayer requests and just celebrate the Lord’s victory over them. Make a conscious decision that they are already answered and that the Lord already released your answer, accelerate the physical manifestation by celebrating. He is the Lord of the breakthrough.
Have a joyous Christmas and a very Blessed 2014.
By Evangelist Isabella Mwango
Inspiration Moment: the Law of Victory is Celebration
Inspiration Moment: the Law of Victory is Celebration
Inspiration Moment: the Law of Victory is Celebration
Inspiration Moment: the Law of Victory is Celebration
Inspiration Moment: the Law of Victory is Celebration