Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Encouraging Message for 2014-All Will be Well

Encouraging Message for 2014-All Will be Well
Encouraging Message for 2014-All Will be Well

Dear Ministry friend, prayer partners, online readers and ministry well wishers at large.

It is with great appreciation and humbleness that we at Vessel for honor ministries family, staff and volunteers’, take this opportunity to wish you God’s blessings upon your life in the New Year which is now upon us. Every New Year brings an interesting, resounding reasoning’s. Many of us are preparing for a “new fresh start in various areas of our lives, new   commitments, projects, Jobs, relationships and even a greater desire seek God’s face more than 2013.

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May the year 2014 be a year of great exploits in your life as you allow God to help you, eliminate the old mindsets that have hindered you from receiving that which rightly belongs to you, as a child of the kingdom of God.  It will be a year of a double portion of spiritual power, God is releasing a double portion of his power to do great exploits for his glory, and he does nothing except for his glory. His power is not for entertainment   or picnic purposes. He will reveal himself in a unique and new way yet for his glory.  Therefore get rid of your old mindset of how you think God moves, or reveals him.  Close your mind and thoughts on the old way of thinking, put on the new mindset to pursue the new.  He never does the same miracle the same way he did it before. There is always a new way


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We have to abolish the old way of thinking. Do not be hung up on how things used to be or were how you think things should be. Don’t cry over what God killed and removed from your life in 2013, do not try to resurrect it. Let God fill your new year with the good he has tailored for your future. Bad moments of your past can be a trap from the enemy to keep you stuck.  Let God heal your hurts, wounds from 2013, let go of every bitterness, resentment, anger and UN forgiveness.  Take your mind off those who hurt you, those who walked out on you, the reason they walked out is because they never belonged to your life in the first place.  Move on because it’s time to embrace what God wants to do with your life. It’s time to move on to all that God has for you.  Be open to the new move of God in your life and allow him to do anew thing in your life. In 2014,


Child of God are you willing to put God into test this year, by trusting him and him alone, by depending and relying on him alone? Trust him for the impossible.  In the book of proverbs 3:5 – 6 we are encouraged to trust in him” “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Our own understanding can be very deceitful and misguiding.  What we think should happen, how it should happen, when and how it should happen, and even the reason why it should happen.  All can lead us to missing the mark of God, and we end up being frustrated and we get disappointed with God. You might argue and say, facts are facts, and if you are basing your understanding on that alone, you are limiting God. You see, God is a God of miracles. Facts cannot not explain miracles, if we take the God-factor out of an equation, we will end up with less than what could really happen. To see the goodness of the Lord in our lives we need to ask him for understanding and accept that he is the same yesterday today and forever, and he did for Moses and children of Israel, if he did for Elijah and Elisha he can do it for you, we should abolish the world mentality that links God’s miracles with an echo from an abandoned past.


As the new year has begun, ask the Lord to help you to forget the old, lay down the baggage’s and burden from last year that will hinder you from running this race of faith,


You have to desire to be burned free, forgive those that offended you last year, do not drug them into 2014, forgiveness is not for their benefit, but for your benefit.
Isaiah 43:18 says “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness    and streams in the wasteland” Away in the deserts and streams in thirsty lands. In the natural, the desert is a wasteland. There are usually no streams, and hardly any roads. But this verse wants us to open our minds and thoughts to something that is not natural. Streams in the desert are opposites. They are two extreme things. Yet, this is what God wants to do in your life, family, finances, health, marriage and relationships in 2014.


Well you might i have had that before, the difference between those who hear a message over and over again and do not see the manifestation of it is that, they do not desire to see it come to pass, they think  that if  God spoke it’s up to him to bring the word to pass, and yet God is clear, we have to corporate with him to see this come to pass, we have to desire and seek him, draw near to him and he will draw near to us. Friend do not limit God by your old mindset. Watch God in 2014 as you align yourself according to his word, walk with him daily.  He will fight your battles, he will shut every mouth that opens up against you, and he will destroy every wall that has been built to close you out of your divine blessings. Every demonic utterances that have been spoken against you will be reversed and sent back to the sender, every false accusation will be met by the truth at which you stand on, every darkness will be exposed by the alight of God in your life, you will be blessed going out and coming in, your children will call you blessed, your enemies will be amazed at what God is doing. Just remember that there is no mountain so high that God cannot bring you over. Come into the New Year with an attitude that the devil cannot stand. Have the mind of Christ; you can do all things through Christ who gives the strength.


Happy New Year and May this is the year of the Lord in your life.


Till next week, stay blessed.


Evangelist Isabella Mwango

If you are in the Bay Area, please join us for our monthly breakfast meeting. For more information about this meeting and other ministry information visit our website at: You can also reach me by calling +1-408-833-06456, send me an email at “”, connect on face book or twitter.

Encouraging Message for 2014-All Will be Well

Encouraging Message for 2014-All Will be Well

Encouraging Message for 2014-All Will be Well

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