A little boy was taken to his class by his father who left him in the capable hands of the teacher. The boy however started fussing and whining for his dad when a coin fell from his pocket. He then grabbed it and started crying consistently for more money like a broken record.
Such a scenario is not far from people who are always crying out for money and when they get it they want more and more of it. In Ecclesiastes, we are told that those who love money will not be satisfied with it. Therefore, best way to live is to work hard and be thankfully satisfied with whatever the Lord gives us.
We may find ourselves in such situations especially when as Christians we prosper and enjoy the freedom from persecution. Jesus told us that we need to go back to our first love and by doing so; we will prevent the spiritual regression that comes with relaxing. Let us therefore always work our salvation with fear and trembling.
“Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income, this too is meaningless.”
Ecclesiastes 5:10