Friday, July 26, 2024

Uhuru chides Raila Odinga over referendum calls

UHURUTOUR0908President Uhuru Kenyatta took a swipe at Cord leader Raila Odinga during his US tour, saying he should wait for the 2017 elections.

Speaking in Dallas, Texas, where he met Kenyans after the recently concluded US-Africa summit, the President said there were more important issues facing the country and a referendum is not one one of them. (READ: The referendum fever).

Mimi sina haja na kura. Mambo yake ya Cord angojee 2017 tutamenyana huko (I do not need votes. His issues can wait until 2017 when we will battle it out),” Mr Kenyatta said.


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Mr Odinga recently said the Jubilee government should prepare for a tough battle at the proposed Cord referendum.

President Kenyatta has, however, dismissed the push as a waste of taxpayers’ money and an “unnecessary venture”. (READ: Referendum push a waste of funds, Uhuru)

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“Just one and a half years after we have started implementing these provisions some people are asking for a referendum. Are we going to have a referendum every one year?” asked the President.

He also reiterated his call for Kenyans to use social media wisely and not wage political wars.


The President also revealed details of talks with MoneyGram CEO Pamela H. Patsley on ways to enable Kenyans abroad to send money back home using mobile phones.

“You want to be able to send money to your relatives easily. We are working on that,” he said.

His speech, full of humour and anecdotes, left the crowd in laughter as he bade them goodbye saying:

“Unfortunately, I cannot stay for very long as I do not want to return home and be told ‘baba while you were away’.”

President Uhuru Kenyatta (centre) and Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed (left) during a tour of the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas, on August 9, 2014. With him is the museum's director, Allan Lowe. PHOTO | PSCU

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