Baringo County Assembly Speaker William Kamket and two county MCAs were Thursday charged in an Eldoret court over violence in the area.
Kamket and MCAs Nelson Lotela (Silali) and Daniel Tuwit (Ripko/Kostei) were charged with four counts of planning to commit murder and incitement to violence.
The denied the charges before Principal Magistrate Tom Olando.
They were transferred from Kabarnet to Eldoret to face the charges due to tension in the area following the killing of more than 15 people, including three police officers, in attacks between the Pokot and Turkana communities.
The first charge stated that the three, on diverse dates between September 28 and October 4, with others not before the court, conspired to commit murder.
Kamket is also accused of uttering inciting words without lawful excuse on the same dates, at the Ameyan area in Nginyang division, East Pokot sub county.
He allegedly said: “For how long will Pokots be killed by Turkanas? We shall organize and plan to barricade the road to and from Kapedo to kill non Pokots including Kenya government security officers.”
His charge sheet states that the words implied that it was desirable to kill the non Pokots and the security officers.
Lotela is also charged with incitement to violence on the same dates and within the same area.
It is alleged that he said: “Barricade the road to and from Kapedo, attack and burn any vehicle on sight carrying non Pokots and government security officers.”