Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kwale witch doctors try to resurrect man

Kwale witch doctors try to resurrect man
Kwale witch doctors try to resurrect man

Kwale witch doctors try to resurrect man. Witch doctors tried to bring a man who died in October 2013 back to life at Mwazaro village in Shimoni, Kwale county on Thursday.

Villagers thronged the scene amid singing and dancing to witness the area’s first ever ‘miracle’.

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One named Juma Doka said they decided to close their businesses for the day to see Dominic Kyalo walk again.

“It is unbelievable but we just came to see whether it was true because at my age I have never witnessed or heard such a thing happening,” he said.

Village chairman Ndaro Kokota said the witchdoctors had been camping at the home.

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“We are also shocked because we have never experienced this and want to see it firsthand,” he said.

Samwel Kanundu, one of the witch doctors, assured the crowd that Kyalo would be alive by sunset.

He claimed to have brought five other people in other parts of the county “and beyond” back to life.

“We have been here three times and today is the last,” he said.

The mission however flopped, Kanundu asking the crowd to wait a little longer since the “pastor was tired”.

Kyalo’s family, believing he did not die a normal death but was killed by a witch who hid his body, buried a banana tree instead.

Felistus Mumbua, his wife, said his family and friends did not believe his death because he was a good person loved by many.

“We sat as a family and decided to unravel the mystery behind his death and sought to seek the intervention of the witchdoctors. The doctors did their search and found out that my husband was not dead but was hidden somewhere going through some torture,” she said.

Mumbua was optimistic that her husband would come back to life, saying she would be happy to live with him again.

The locals confronted Kanundu after the failure saying he had wasted their day.

“Tell us the truth, you should not be wasting our time here the whole day and we are not seeing Kyalo coming back,” one said amid shouts.

Kwale witch doctors try to resurrect man

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