The principles, the solution to a better Kenya all lie in the verses of our national anthem, in the loyalty pledge. We don’t like where we are and dream for a better nation. God has already blessed our country abundantly. From rich natural resources to wonderful countrymen, but where is the missing link?
- Justice is not yet our shield and defender. The poor do not know the meaning of justice, this vocabulary does not exist. Truth is that justice is bought, and denied to those who deserve. For instance, a village man steals a goat and gets some years to serve in jail, the rich man steals millions and uses a share of it to keep mouths shut, then it passes by with the wind.
- There’s no unity. We’re separated along tribal lines. The aftermath of the post election violence has not yet sunk into our hearts. As long as we are divided, realizing peace is close to impossible. We are one irrespective of our tribe, and that ought to be the Kenyan spirit. Give credit where it is due, regardless of who takes it. On the other hand, what is wrong is wrong, it doesn’t matter which tribe the criminal comes from. It makes no sense to defend a wrong doer on tribal lines; this is one of the contributors to our stagnancy as a nation.
- Nation building should be one of the goals of each Kenyan. Most of us however only see the impossibilities and do nothing to help steer our motherland to greater heights. We focus on what cannot be done rather than join hands so that what can be done be perfectly done.
- We are not loyal. Not to the president, not to the nation. We forget that we make the country and directly contribute to its progress or downfall.
If we can only  be committed to seeing a better Kenya, then the least we can have is a better Kenya. All we need to do is live our national anthem.
By Liz Ekakoro:Diaspora Messenger contributor