Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria did not work at UK Centre, Baden Powell House as the President’s political assistant from 2008 – 2014, an official has said.
JAP vice chairman David Murathe said; “I am the immediate director of the centre and Kuria was never an employee. Cord leader Raila Odinga needs to get his facts right.”
“The UK Centre was not even based at Baden Powell House but Red Cross House. The raging debate on the DP’s ‘fixers’ is not only dishonest but manifestly misleading and mischievous.”
In a statement to newsrooms on Wednesday, Murathe said the centre is now dormant and is not tasked with matters relating to national politics.
“We were Uhuru’s support system for his then constituency – Gatundu South. The centre was established in 2003 and was under Catherine Kihanya before she went to Mumias,” he said.
Murathe was responding to Cord leader Raila Odinga’s claim that Kuria procured false ICC witnesses to frame DP William Ruto at the ICC, while working for Uhuru.
He said the Opposition leader was “clutching the last straws of desperation and frustration”, following the “success” of prayer rallies in strengthening the Jubilee coalition.
“He is free to join Jubilee in praying for the quick dismissal of charges against Ruto since Kuria’s interjection has left the case with no legs to stand on,” he said.
Murathe said Raila should feel free to record a statement over Kuria’s allegations that he helped buy off the witnesses, instead of issuing “unsubstantiated press statements which only serve to divide Kenyans”.
On Tuesday, Raila asked the President to explain his role in fixing the DP at the ICC, claiming Kuria acted for him when he allegedly procured false witnesses.
The MP confessed that he procured the witnesses after the 2007/8 post-election violence and is to meet ICC officials on October 9 as a result.
He further implicated Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua and Kisumu Senator Anyang’ Nyong’o, who are yet to record their statements.