Kenyan man Joseph Ndekere Kamunge passes away in Raleigh NC
Friends and family are gathering for prayers and support towards funeral expenses/burial preparation. Prayers beganon Tuesday, and will continue Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 04/29/2016 at 7.00pm daily ( Pliz pass the word/fwd). Ladies are requested to bring a covered dish.
Funeral Details
Funeral will be held on Sat April 30th, 2016.
Funeral Service @ United Brethren Restoration Center. Address: 124 Luther Road Raleigh, NC 27610.UBRC-Restoration Center, Office #Â (919) 390-1294, email:Â
  11.00am to 11.45am-viewing (Optional)
  12.00pm-Celebrations Service
Thereafter, the Grave side service will be held at Carolina Biblical Garden 1530 Creech Road, Raleigh, NC at 2.00pm. (The funeral program will also have directions).
NB: For online contribution visit
For all inquiries please call Pst. Andrew M.Muthemba (919) 971-4435, Mr. Mathenge Ndarathi (315) 450-2411, Pst. Pius Ondachi (919) 607-6485 or Mr. Bernard Wanjohi at (919) 449-7888.
For all inquiries please call Pst. Andrew M.Muthemba (919) 971-4435, Mr. Mathenge Ndarathi (315) 450-2411, Pst. Pius Ondachi (919) 607-6485 or Mr. Bernard Wanjohi at (919) 449-7888.
Thanks in advance for your willingness to come and support the family to meet the budget towards the funeral requirements and (Funeral Home/Cemetery deadline) before the burial day. Regards.
Yours in Christ service,
Rev. Andrew Moche Muthemba.
Senior Pastor/Bishop-United Brethren Restoration Center (UBRC)
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Kenyan man Joseph Ndekere Kamunge passes away in Raleigh NC