Monday, March 3, 2025

CONTROL-DELETE-ALTER:Push These Buttons In Your Mind Today

Pauline AdongoYou may have realized by now that as we grow in the Lord, we are rarely confronted with “commonly blatant sins” that are open to everyone. It’s a though satan knows that you cannot indulge in those areas, so he switches his tactics to the mind. To confront thought processes that are contrary to what God says about you, Control, Delete and Alter!

Colossians 3:2 says to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. The “things that are above” are what comes from God to us. These are the promises of God. How God identifies us, how He sees us and what He has designed and purposed for us.  When a situation or person says or does something contrary to “above”:

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1.      CONTROL the thought, do not allow it to linger or entertain it in your mind. Do not recall the thought, day dream it or rehearse the thought. Control it

2.      DELETE- Denounce and renounce this contrary or negative thought from your mind. Command it to leave. My dear Pastor friend would say “refuse it”

3.      ALTER- Replace that thought with the promises of God, the Word of God which is power and life! Cause your mind, alter your mind to think what God says about it. Think Kingdom, Lord Thy Kingdom come in this situation!

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These 3 steps are very crucial in dealing with false beliefs about yourself or any situation/condition you may be facing.

We CAN CONTROL because (1) Greater is He that is in us (2) sin no longer has dominion over us (3) by the power of the Holy Spirit in us we can overcome temptation (1Cor 10:13) and bring to subjection any thought that exalts itself above God (2 Cor 10:5).

We CAN DELETE because we now have the mind of Christ. With Christ in us and as we submit to Him we can resist the devil and he will flee. At times I’ve prayed “Lord I flush every brain cell in my mind by the Blood Jesus and command every impurity to leave in the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit fill my mind. Our minds are also set up to walk in the Spirit.

We CAN ALTER our thought processes by thinking of things that are above. PHILIPIANS 4:8 brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things- Collectively these are God’s promises for us. Renew your mind by constantly feeding it with the Word of God, read the Bible, listen to Bible App, memorize and even sing scriptures.

Stay alert this week. If there’s anything contrary to what God says about you or your destiny, including any labels or false identities you may entertained, push these buttons in your mind today, CONTROL-DELETE -ALTER!


By Pauline Adongo,
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