Saturday, February 22, 2025

How to Shape Our Destiny-We must have a goal

1. We must have a goal.
If we want to shape our destiny, we must have a goal or a dream of
what we would like our future to be like. For example, five or ten
years from now, what would we like to see happening in our lives?
What would we like to have accomplished? What changes would
we like to see?
2. Please consider the following questions.
a. What can we do today, this month, this year, which
would help in changing our future (Pr.27:12; 16:3, 9)?
b. Is there a habit in our lives that is hindering us from becoming all we can become
Is there a course, a seminar, a training class, a lesson or an action we should take to help us move from this
level of our lives to the next level?
d. Is there a person(s) we should meet or get to know
who will be a positive influence and help us redirect
our lives?
3. We must take appropriate actions at appropriate times.
To shape our destiny we must learn to take appropriate actions in
the appropriate time.
4. It is important to use God’s standards.
We need to set our standards, according to the Word of God. We
have to know what to expect from ourselves. This will help us to
raise our standards higher and act accordingly, to have higher
aspirations. We have to discover the things or the habits we can no longer entertain in our lives. This process is coming to believe in
God’s power in our lives.
The standards we set will limit or release our possibilities. They will
shape our thoughts and our actions. They will produce results.
People without set standards live their lives below what they could
attain. These people do not know what to expect from themselves,
or from life itself.
5. Meditation is important also.
We should discipline ourselves to meditate on things that matter in
life. This is to concentrate our efforts on those things that count. It
is investing our available resources where they will be more
productive. There are some steps we can take here that will impact
a. Be sure to not major in minor things.
b. Be sure to walk in the plans of God.
c. Be sure to expand our lives by learning new things,
growing in new areas and friendships.
d. Be sure to increase our knowledge, being innovative
or creative.
By Bishop Stephen Njenga/Diaspora Messenger Contributor

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