It is always said that all dreams are valid and that those who succeed in life are the lot that believe in their dreams and follow them. Mungai Gathogo is one young man who has decided to play with the big boys in the game of politics. this is not soft ball game,it is hard ball and we hope the young man is cut for it.Here below is his bio:
By Isaac Kariuki/Diaspora Messenger
My name is MUNGAI GATHOGO am a young Kenyan who passionately believes in the promise of the potential of this Great Nation of ours.
I was born on the 23rd January 1994. In Githunguri Constituency, Kiambu County. I attended Githunguri Primary School from class one to three. Later I was transferred to Ciiko Primary School where I sat for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education ( KCPE) in the year 2007. I then proceeded to Thika High School for my secondary education from the year 2008- 2011. I later Joined Pioneer International University to pursue Bachelor of Commerce which I majored in Finance Option.
I am the National Chairman of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YOUTHS IN AGRIBUSINESS (NAYA) and currently the CEO of THE FARMERS GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED which is a private investment company with diversified investments in different sectors; Agribusiness, Finance & Property.
I began my foray in politics through student politics at the PIONEER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY STUDENT ASSOCIATION (PIUSA) – as the chair of the committee that was drafting the student Association constitution.
As a young leaders I am prepared to go against all odds for the Issues of the Youths . Our youths have challenges of unemployment, alcoholism and drug abuse and it’s our duty as young leaders to address these issues.
I engaged in politics since this is where decisions on Kenya’s future are made.The solution to all problems, I have come to understand, is poor leadership or a leadership that is not in tune with the people.
In 2017 I decided to Vie for the Kiambu County Senator seat since am a strong believer in DEVOLUTION. The senate seat is the nerve centre of Devolution since allocation of funds to counties is the responsibility of a senator. I believe in Transformational SERVANT LEADERSHIP that can add value to the lives of the common Mwananchi, and by devolving more funds to the counties we will be able to reach services more closer to the people and more so the young People.
The Only way young people can be listened to is by having a voice in both the National Assembly, Senate and the county assemblies and that can only happen if the young people put away fear and vie for this Elective posts and take up leadership positions.
I urge all the young people to Support me in this Great Journey of Transformation. Thank – You.
Mungai Gathogo
all the best…it always seems impossible until it’s done.