Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘Ignore Raila’s Lifting of Product Boycott,” Miguna Tells Supporters

Self-declared General of NASA’S National Resistance Movement – lawyer Miguna Miguna – wants Opposition supporters to ignore Raila’s call to end civil disobedience and product boycott imposed on several companies after the disputed October 26 repeat elections.

The Opposition Chief yesterday announced an end to boycott against products of four companies for their alleged roles in last year’s hotly contested general election. This follows the recent handshake between Raila and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

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The two leaders on Sunday formed a committee of 14 advisers to look into ways of uniting the country. The first agenda on the table appears to be calling an end to the product boycott imposed on Bidco, Safaricom, Haco, and Brookside.

Speaking during this year’s labour day celebrations at Uhuru Park, Raila said he had forgiven the four companies.

“Our supporters are now free to use products from these companies we’d asked them to boycott last year,” said Mr Odinga.

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He added: “I did that because I was bitter with the outcome of the elections. We have agreed to work together with my brother Uhuru Kenyatta for the betterment of the nation.”

However, The NRM General Miguna has maintained that the resistance is still alive and urged supporters to disregard Odinga’s announcement.

He Tweeted: “Patriots, ignore @RailaOdinga’s purported “lifting” of the boycott against companies that are were involved in the electoral theft of 2017, the subversion of the rule of law and the constitution. He doesn’t own #NRMKe or the #RESIST movements! Continue the RESISTANCE! #RESIST!!”

In another Tweet, Miguna called Raila “Mr Betrayer.”

Here’s how some ‘patriots’ reacted:

Dr. Miguna Miguna


Patriots, ignore @RailaOdinga‘s purported “lifting” of the boycott against companies that are were involved in the electoral theft of 2017, the subversion of the rule of law and the constitution. He doesn’t own or the movements! Continue the RESISTANCE! !!

Kasunye Ka Luvengo@KLuvengo

General av always loved your eloquence when articulating issues.However, ur now fighting the wrong person Raila, depeening ur woes however illegal they may be.Little advice…take a break maybe these guys can soften there hearts en allow you back. Generals fight with precision.

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Dr. Miguna Miguna


Justice is not about tyrants “softening” their hearts. We don’t beg for our rights. Court orders must be obeyed by everyone. Absolutely no one is above the law!

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Joshua Omedi@omedi_joshua

Shallow thinking. I saw you take brookside in jkia

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Dr. Miguna Miguna


I never did unless you poured it on my unconscious face after you had tortured and sedated me! Publish my picture showing me take Brookside, you coward!

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Jackson Watembo@JWatembo

General Miguna, @RailaOdinga called the boycott. He’s seen it fit to call it off. Just call your presser and call your own boycott and the intended products/companies. As for me, its a NO to @SafaricomPLC except on MPesa, Maziwa ya Brookside hapana tumia, Pwani Oil all the way.

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Dr. Miguna Miguna


No he did not. @RailaOdinga is a local trader. He has never been a genuine revolutionary. He has joined @JubileePartyK traders and thieves where he always belonged. The RESISTANCE will continue. Viva!

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Abonyo Raphael@AbonyoR

I am already in the supermarket buying brookside milk

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Who listens to Raila anymore,your the one at helm.Resistance is ongoing General.

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Steve Martin@SteveMa07164822

Sorry. We follow Raila not Miguna. So the boycott ends….

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raphael kitson@kitson_raphael

Sasa wewe na ulishindwa kurudi kenya…go help TZ ama south sudan in their liberation ova ova

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