The conception of every new thing comes with much excitement and energy. The new thing could be an idea, vision, dream, goal month, baby, business; a new job, car, ministry, a new exercise routine; name it; any new thing! As you progress in the new thing though, you may experience challenges, twists and turns and or even growth spurts (the teenage stage of anything)! I encourage you this week to trust God in every stage of it.
He who begun a new thing in you will bring it to completion (Philipians1:6). As child of God, His plans for you are orchestrated by Him. Like a symphony conductor, allow God to walk you through the symphony of your life. Partner with Him in each stage of the process; in the exciting times and through the challenging period. I believe God likes to show Himself strong on your behalf through those twists and turns, that’s when we see His mighty hand of salvation, deliverance healing and restoration. We get to experience God as the chief conductor bringing the ensemble of the new things to high climax-all things working for our good (Romans 8:28). By consistently involving and trusting God, when you meet your goal you can testify to “thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Corinthians 15:57)! Yeaaah! Kudos to you!
Commit your ways to the Lord and He will establish them. No matter where you are with your goals right now, commit that stage to the Lord right now. Engage God in it. God rejoices at your success. He celebrates with you (Zephaniah 3:17), believe God for every area of your life. Have faith in God. He will see you through to the end.
By: Pauline Adongo
The Ministry of Jesus Christ International Inc