Saturday, October 5, 2024

Faith is the Victory: Overcoming the Challenges of the World

Faith is the Victory: Overcoming the Challenges of the World
Faith is the Victory: Overcoming the Challenges of the World

THE WORD:  “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.”  1 John 5:4

THE POINT:   We live in a hard cruel world. The challenges of this old world can be very difficult.  Everyone has made numerous futile attempts to overcome life’s challenges.  We’ve all tried and failed more times than we care to remember.

Thankfully God has compassion on us. He provides a solution for us. He offers to make us over-comers in Christ! Yet after all that God has made available to us in Christ, many Christians are still struggling to overcome. So, what’s the solution? How do we overcome the world?

That’s just it, we don’t! We must put our faith in The Overcomer—our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ lived a life filled with challenges and difficulties.

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He experienced rejection, betrayal, pain and suffering . . .  yet He was victorious every step of the way. Christ overcame the world, the flesh and the devil.

And we can do the same as we put our faith in Christ to be our overcomer. What does it mean to put our faith in Christ as our overcomer? How is that accomplished?

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THE APPLICATION:  You must settle it once and for all that there is only one overcomer, and it’s not you. Jesus Christ is The Overcomer—the true Champion of the world. He overcame the world through His death, burial, and resurrection! Jesus Christ is the victorious King!

In order for Christ to be the overcomer in your life, you must stop trying to overcome and start relying on the Overcomer.

If you want to overcome the world, you need to co-operate with the Overcomer—Jesus Christ. Christ has overcome the world and He has made you more than a conqueror in union with Him.

So, tap into The Overcomer by faith, and allow Him to live His victorious life through you. If Christ lives in you, then that makes you an overcomer in HimFaith in Christ produces victory in you! But you must allow Him, by faith, to live His victorious life through you. Faith is the victory!

THE PRAYER:  “Oh God, Thank You for allowing me to be born again of Your Spirit by receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ has overcome the world through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Now, You have made me an over-comer in Christ.

Therefore, cause me to continually exercise faith in You in order that I might experience victory over all things. Thank You for living Your victorious life through me!”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

Faith is the Victory: Overcoming the Challenges of the World

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