Wednesday, March 19, 2025
HomeTagsWord of the Day

Tag: Word of the Day

Word of the Day: Be an Encourager

Imagine being on a marathon race for 25 Kilometers where you have been running and pushing yourself to finish the race but you can...

Word of the Day: The power of habit

Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which when repeated becomes an automatic action. What habits do we have in...

Word of the Day: God rewards the humble

There was a king who built great highway for the members of his kingdom. The king decided to have a contest before the highway...

Word of the Day: Staying Connected

If Satan can't mess with your life by getting you to do wrong things, then his plan B is to mess your life by...

Word of the Day: God’s Timing Is The Best

Word of the Day: God's Timing Is The Best. Have you ever had an appointment either friendly or official and the other party arrived late? And when they finally arrived

Word of the Day:It is possible-For with God nothing shall be impossible

Word of the Day:It is possible-For with God nothing shall be impossible. A story goes about of a certain man who lived most of his life poor. One day seated lonely under a tree looking at his thorn filled feet and chipped

Word of the Day: God’s way is the only successful way.

In the middle of a desert Moses and the Israelites were on journey from a land where they and their ancestors were oppressed for...

Word of the Day:Don’t drift stay on course.

Strong currents pull you west when you intend to go east or north when you want to head south. It's called drift. It happens...

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