Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Kenyan Pastor injured in an accident, still in ICU

A Kenyan Pastor injured in an accident, still in ICU

A Kenyan Pastor injured in an accident, still in ICUPraise the Lord and may HIS name be glorified at all times for all HIS grace and Mercy.
Due to the inclement weather, last month, we had no choice but cancel the Healing Tribute Service that was scheduled for Feb 6, 2010. The meeting will now take place on March 6, 2010. I am looking forward to releasing the word of the Lord as HE will lead me. Thank you and be blessed.


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Thanks giving for pastor Mugwe’s Miracle


What is impossible with man is possible with God


Kenyan Pastor injured in an accident out of Danger


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Pastor Peter Mugwe who has been in ICU and Rehab center for 12 weeks is now out of danger. He has been discharged to go home under care of nurses who will be visiting him regularly. Here below is his appreciation for the prayers and support shown towards him and his family during the past 12 weeks.


A Kenyan Pastor injured in an accident, still in ICU


By Diasporamessenger
Pastor Peter Mugwe
Baltimore MD-A Kenyan Pastor in Baltimore MD is still in ICU 20 days later after a car accident. Pastor Peter Maina Mugweh was hit by a car on September 30th at 7pm while riding a bike near his home. The extent of the injuries was so severe that he was airlifted to Shock and Trauma center at the University Of Maryland Hospital. Since the accident, he has undergone numerous surgeries and is now off the ventilator but still receiving oxygen through a trachea.
Because of his injuries, only his immediate family is currently allowed to visit him at the hospital. He is conscious though and aware of his environment but he can only communicate through scribbling words with his finger on a pillow. He has requested people of faith to pray for him and he totally believes that the Lord will heal him.
Pastor Mugwe and his family at the prayer Garden
Family and friends have organized a prayer meeting to pray for Pastor Mugwe and his family on Friday 10/23/09 at 6-9pm at Evangel Cathedral (Life Source Church) back entrance, 7000 Rossville Blvd Rosedale MD 21237.
They request all Kenyans to come and pray for him and support the family financial to help with hospital expenses and other financial obligation.
For more information please call: Karanja Mwaura at 410-409-9340 or Julie Weche 410-303-3335.
Quick recovery Pastor Mugwe. Our prayers are with you and we know that the Lord will bring you through-Diasporamessenger
Pastor Mugwe presiding in a community function

A Kenyan Pastor injured in an accident, still in ICU



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