Monday, February 17, 2025

A documentary of a Kenyan diplomat in Ireland

A documentary of a Kenyan diplomat in Ireland
A documentary of a Kenyan diplomat in Ireland
A documentary of a Kenyan diplomat in Ireland


Must watch – Welcome to My World


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Emotional return to Kenya for Dublin Woman
A documentary team followed a Dublin-based Kenyan girl as she returns to visit her own Masai tribe, taking a Kerry friend along for the journey.




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The premise of this four-part travel series is that immigrants invite an Irish friend, family member or colleague to accompany them on a visit to their homeland. The documentary sees 20-year-old Kenyan girl Nai Lemoshira take her college classmate, Kerryman John O’Dowd, home to meet her Maasai family. Nai, who is Maasai, is studying in DCU and lives with her father, an employee at the Kenyan Embassy. She is the daughter of Mr. Richard Lemoshira is Counsellor & Deputy Head of Mission at the Kenya Embassy in Dublin, Ireland seen on right. CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO

Nai Lemoshira return to her native Maasai village FULL STORY




Kenyan youth advised to prepare for leadership change


The Kenya Youth.
What appeared in the Kenya Daily Nation Newspaper of the 29th. December 2009, where Kenyans who are referring to themselves as the council of elders, and as Senior Citizens claim they will provide a counterweight to belligerent politicians, is a great worry to the Kenya youth and a devastating move to deny the Kenya youth their right to shape the destiny of Kenya.
According to the newspaper, they claim that for many years they have been advising the government administrators on what should be done. Does this not imply that they have been part and parcel of both the economic and political mess that has been witnessed in Kenya? For many years Kenyans have suffered in the hands of those Senior Citizens. It is hard to believe that this time round, those elderly Kenyans can do anything positive they have previously failed to do before. Those elders should understand that today Kenya does not belong to them but it belongs to the Kenya youth who for many years have been lied to by the same Senior Citizens, that they are the future leaders of Kenya. For how long do they think they will continue with their cunningness and lies? It is enough. They will not dictate the terms under which the Kenya Youth will shape their Country. The Kenya Youth should refuse any misleading direction and/or advice from those senior Citizens. Just as the American Youth did it, the Kenyan Youth will do it.
Before those Senior Citizens come out once again to lay their grounds for dominating Kenya leadership as they have done before, they should explain to the Kenya Youth where they were when all the Public coffers were pre-emptied and where they were when all public land was grabbed. Where have they been for all those years the Kenya youth have been suffering from unemployment? Where have they been when the Kenya Youth are always harassed when they sell vegetables, tomatoes and other small items on the streets of Kenya cities and towns to earn an honest living, because of lack of employment? For all those years of turmoil, the Kenya Youth have been struggling hard to liberate Kenya, while those senior citizens have been enjoying their loot.
Most of the Kenya Youth like the late Mr.Muruli, a former student at the Nairobi University, Mr. Karimi Nduthu of the RPP and many others were murdered while trying to liberate Kenya. The Senior Citizens are responsible for the suffering of the Kenya youth, the children and all women in Kenya. The Kenya Youth should not accept to be fooled anymore. Be aggressive, be courageous and be focused. You are the leaders of Kenya today and not tomorrow, which never come.
Isaac Newton Kinity
Former Secretary General
Kenya Civil Servants Union and Chairman
Kikimo Foundation for Corruption and Poverty Eradication.

A documentary of a Kenyan diplomat in Ireland

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