Could it be that our unfaithfulness and lack of commitment to relationships to one another and even to God has been caused by disappointments? We all at one time or another been disappointed in life; we have even at times felt that God has disappointed us.
As result human tendency is to act the opposite of what is expected of us. We are a generation full of unfaithfulness and lack of commitment. We see this not only in marriage, but in dating, parenting, and in each facet of human life.
Children are not committed to their parents, nor are parents; employees are not committed to employers, nor are employers, and so on. But this unfaithfulness that has gone on in the corporate world and in the family is now named among the saints of God.
We are not submissive, obedient or loyal anymore. We have become unfaithful to the relationships that God has given us.
We are unfaithful to each other, and to our leaders at church and work; we are now obedient only to those things that give us the benefits we are looking for. There is no sacrificial obedience or faithfulness.
We are easily lured by what our fleshly need dictate.In natural relationships, there are consequences of being unfaithful. For example, if you are not faithful to your employer, not doing what you were hired for, showing up at work late, and not finishing and accomplishing your given projects on time, you will get disciplined. If you do not change, you will lose your job.
This applies to all relationships; there are consequences of being unfaithful and uncommitted. This also applies to our spiritual relationship; there are consequences of being unfaithful in our relationship with the lord.
Disappointments come as a result of unmet expectations. We have set expectations that we have in mind on how people should respond, act, behave and treat us in every situation. When people fall short of our expectation we get disappointed and wounded, and we retreat. We become uncommitted and unfaithful.
We all respond to disappointment differently. Some people recover quickly from it, some get frustrated and fall into depression, and some people get into the blame game and accusations, while others walk away from relationships, churches, families, marriages and friendships.
It is very important to live this life knowing that disappointments are part of the journey, and therefore not let disappointments alter the kind of person you ought to be in life. We can go through disappointment, but choose to remain faithful and loyal in our response to all situations by the principles found in the word of God.
Remember, it is not what happens to us that really matters, but it’s how we respond to it. Job was sick near death; and he was disappointed by his friends and wife. It is God who allowed his condition.
Although he lost all he had, he still remained obedient and loyal to God. Job must have known God deeply; he was convinced that God was all he needed. I urge to know the Lord deeply in this hour, be loyal and faithful to him, and be committed to him. Then no matter what happens, you will not be disappointed.
There is only one person that will never disappoint you, that is our father in heaven. He is married to his word, he sticks closer than a brother, he really knows you, and understands you. All he requires from you is to be in a relationship with him and to call upon him. He requires you to seek him and believe in him. Remember, he rewards those who diligently seek him.
Friend, we are in a covenant relationship with our God, so do not allow Satan to lie to you and forsake the ways of the Lord. We will never go to hell or heaven on anyone’s ticket, so we must remember that we are accountable for our actions and the way we respond to disappointments.
Let us ask the Lord to heal our hearts from past disappointments be they from the church, parents, children, spouses, brothers and sisters in the lord, family, employees or employers. Let us repent of holding to these disappointments and offenses and letting them hinder our walk with the Lord.
The Lord will heal us and restore us to himself. He promised to be with us till the end and he is faithful to keep his word.
If you live in the San Jose area, we invite you to come to our weekly meetings on Tuesday night and to our monthly meeting on every second Saturday.
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has
given us (Romans 5:5).
By-Evangelist Isabella Mwango
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