Dr Michie Gitau of Baltimore MD dies in a Car accident in Kenya
It is with a heavy heart that the Gitau family, along with the organizing committee, regret to announce the untimely death of Dr. Michie Chege Gitau of Baltimore Maryland USA.
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He was promoted to eternal glory on Thursday November, 17 2011 following a tragic
road accident in Nairobi Kenya. He is survived by his wife Mary Gitau , daughter Njeri
and sons Papa and Gatheru. Friends, family and well wishers will be meeting daily for
prayers and support at the Gitau family home. 7 Quiet Sunset Ct, Baltimore MD 21221
daily from 6pm.
Memorial service and fundraiser will be held on:
November 26, 2011
9600 Pulaski Park Dr. Suite 115
Middle river MD 21220
Time: 4:00Pm
The late Dr. Michie Chege Gitau will be laid to rest in Mangu, Kenya at a date to be
announced at a later time.
For those who are not able to come, checks to assist the family with funeral arrangements
may be mailed to:
Mary Gitau
7 Quiet Sunset Ct,
Baltimore MD 21221.
For more details and additional information, please contact:
Cliff Okoth : 410-456-7462
Baba Mwaura: 410-4099340
Steve Mwangi: 443-621-0551
Julie Weche: 410-303-3335
John 14:2
2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go
to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and
receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also
Dr Michie Gitau of Baltimore MD dies in a Car accident in KenyaÂ