Friday, July 26, 2024

Kenyans are materialistic, poll shows

Kenyans value wealth more than anything else, a new poll reveals.

The survey conducted by Infotrak Research & Consulting indicates that material wealth is the most important principle for many Kenyans at an incidence level of 8.21, followed by financial security at 8.18 and career success at 8.13. Family life is rated as the fourth at 7.9.

According to Infotrak CEO Angela Ambitho women value wealth more than men at 8.38 and 8.07 respectively.

Those between ages 35 and 45 are more materialistic at a level of 8.6 while those over 55 had the least incidence level at 7.0.

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Ambitho says this could determine the way in which Kenyans choose leaders in the coming general election taking wealth as the pre-determinant.

Materialism was defined as a dominating sense of desire to pursue wealth and other tangible things that can provide physical comforts including the urge to lead an extravagant life.

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The research that was conducted between 11 and 13th March this year further indicates that majority of Kenyans view the importance of spiritual faith at 7.35, compassion at 7.06. Generosity is the least of values on the hierarchy at 6.89.

She notes that Kenyans might in the end choose their leaders according to wealth and status in society more than their value for and success as family people.

High integrity

In another poll conducted by Infotrak Harris in May in which the pollster sought to find out what Kenyans will be looking for in electing their next President,  results indicated that  majority of Kenyans want a person of high integrity at 18 percent.

17 percent were for a development conscious and open minded person. Other qualities were transparent and accountable person at (15%), honest & trustworthy(15%) while those for a visionary leader polled at (13%).

Gender of the leader is the least of the Kenyans’ concerns  at 1% together with such a leader being young followed by the brave, peacemaker and social at a meager 2%.

Ambitho  dismissed claims that pollsters conduct surveys for lack of other careers saying, polling is the only scientific way through which to gauge the thinking of Kenyans on important issues affecting the country politically and socially.







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