Mary and I were at Rick Husband International Airport waiting to board a plane. A lady in her sixties was sitting with her grandson in the row of chairs opposite Mary and me. I felt directed by the Spirit to speak with her. We were flying on Southwest Airlines and they do not have assigned seating. You sit wherever there is an available seat. When we were on the plane, Mary found a single seat. The only seat available for me was beside a lady and her grandson. “Where are you heading?” I asked. “I am going to Houston”, she responded. I asked her occupation and she said she was a homemaker. She asked my profession and I told her, “I am a bishop.” She asked which church and I told her, “All Nations Christian Church International. I asked her which church she attended and she said she did not go to church. I asked if she believed in God and she said she did not believe that there is a God. When I asked her why she did not believe she said, “People who go to church are no different than those who do not go church.” I told her she must be referring to the people who attend church but are not true believers and she agreed. I told her that these people do not define the nature of God. I told her I wanted to ask her a question but that I did not want her to give me the answer. I told her that I could give the answer to my question. I asked her if she was left or right handed, and then I told her she was left handed. She said I was correct and that in her generation children were punished for using their left hand and were not allowed to do anything with their dominant hand. I told her that I could see the authority figures in her life had influenced her concept of God.
Those who punished her for using her left hand contributed to her negative attitude toward the Creator. They are the “Christians” who are not Christian, and the one’s whom Jesus Christ referred to as “weeds, “tares”, “goats”, and “five foolish virgins who had lamps without oil”. These are Christians who are devoid of the Holy Spirit and are found in the entire church from the laity, to elders, to deacons, to the entire clerical hierarchy. We discussed this group of Christians in name only and talked about God. I told this lady that, for me, it takes much more energy to try to refute God’s presence than to believe in the existence of God. I told her about my first encounter with God: “I was six years old when a Being of light appeared to me at night. We lived in a mud house and the only interior light we had was from the fire. Every night the fire went out when we went to bed and then the house was extremely dark. One night a Being of light appeared to me. I was afraid to look at the Being, so I closed my eyes tightly but the Being remained visible. I covered my closed eyes with the blanket, but the Being of Light remained visible. I covered my closed eyes with the blanket AND the palm of my hands, but I could still see the Being. When I accepted that the Being was in control, the Being vanished and I was left with the peace which surpasses all understanding. On the following day, I shared the experience with my childhood friends while were herding. I asked my friends if they closed their eyes and faced the sun if they thought they would still be able to see the sun. So one of my friends did exactly that. I asked him if he could see anything and he said no. I then shared with them about the how I had tried to resist looking at the Being of Light but was not successful.”
As I was sharing the story with the woman the Holy Spirit fell upon her and she committed herself to the Holy Being. After this we had so many things to share. She told me, “When I saw that you wearing a cross while we were waiting to board the plane. I heard a voice inside my head tell me, ‘that man will sit with you.'” Before we parted I gave her my business card and asked her to remember to pray for me before she went to bed.
A few days later, I got a letter from her in which she talked about God. She discovered that one of His names is Jealousy (we can place no other god before him). She also advised me to read the red letters in the New Testament, because are they actually the words spoken by Jesus. Astonishingly, she narrated a vision she saw as we were talking about God on the aircraft. She saw clear water, clear as the water at the bottom of the waterfall. It was this vision which convinced her of the existence of God. Better still, Jesus Christ revealed himself to her just as he did with the Samaritan woman and fulfilled his promise. “Whoever drinks the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Later on the woman shared more about the vision of the waterfall. While the vision convinced her about the existence of God, she also saw that it was connected with something which happened to me when I was a boy. To my utter surprise, this woman was right. When I was seven, we were going to school with another boy who was eleven. Going from Ichichi to Kiruri, we had to cross Maragua River. The very meaning of the river is waterfall. Reaching in the middle of the river, I saw the trees falling on us. Little did I know that were we being engulfed by the water. Before we were taken to the deep, I saw a beautiful young woman holding my hand. I then held the hand of my boy friend; the young woman took us to the bank of the river. Even though I knew the girl as Waruguru which translate a western woman. It however took me sixty two years to discover that this was an angel. This was so particularly because in our area nobody knew how to swim. And this woman could not have courage to jump at the surging river except for divine intervention. God had to save my life using Western so that at one time He can use me to win a Western lady to His Kingdom.
It is however beyond my comprehension to figure out how God revealed to this woman an episode which took place six three years ago. All we can say is that God is Wholly Other. He has more than million way of revealing himself to us. He is a Being which transcends time and space. The Being which shines with unique brightness stretches over and beyond the cosmos. He is God of all that is, seen and unseen. With His seven eyes, He sees our distant past as if it is today. Our time is in his hand. Being his vassals He uses us in whichever way He wills. The Holy Being is indeed infinite, incomprehensible and unfathomable, almighty (omnipotent) and all-knowing (omniscience): In the words of the prophet Isaiah: Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is everlasting God, the creator of the end of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases power of the weak. Isaiah 40:28-29
By Dr. John G Githiga
Patriarch, ANCCI
Chancellor, ANCCI University