Friday, July 26, 2024

12 African countries rank in top 75 on anti-corruption index

Twelve African countries are ranked among the 75 least corrupt nations in the world, according to theย 2012 indexpublished Wednesday by Transparency International.

Published annually, the Corruption Perceptions Index draws upon a range of data sources to determine how corrupt countries’ public sectors are perceived to be. On a scale from 100 (highly clean) to 0 (highly corrupt), two-thirds of all countries scored below 50. This year’s survey includes 176 countries, down from 182 in 2011.

The top eight in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in 2012 also led the list in 2011, with approximately the same global rankings, ranging from 65 to 43. Liberia – at number 11 in sub-Sahara with a score of 41 – saw its global ranking rise 16 points โ€“ from number 91 last year to 75 in 2012.

Botswana, Cape Verde, Mauritius, Rwanda, Namibia, Ghana and Lesotho led the SSA rankings, along with South Africa, which dropped two places this year – to nine from seven. Gambia, which was ninth last year, dropped this year to 21 in SSA and 105 globally. Tunisia, which is grouped with Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, is tied with Liberia at 75 on the global rankings.

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Nigeria and Kenya both received the low ranking of 139, compared with 143 for Nigeria and 154 for Kenya in 2011. Cameroun, the Congo Republic (Brazzaville) and the Central African Republic are ranked 144. Angola is 157, DR Congo 160 and Equatorial Guinea 163. Crowding the bottom among the most corrupt in the world are Chad (163), Sudan (173 and Somalia (174 – last).

Below are rankings (SSA/Global) and scores for all SSA countries in the index.

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1/30 Botswanaย ย ย  65
2/39 Cape Verdeย ย ย  60
3/43 Mauritiusย ย ย  57
4/50 Rwandaย ย ย  53
5/51 Seychellesย ย ย  52
6/58 Namibiaย ย ย  48
7/64 Ghanaย ย ย  45
7/64 Lesothoย ย ย  45
9/69 South Africaย ย ย  43
10/72 Sao Tome and Principeย ย ย  42
11/75 Liberiaย ย ย  41
12/83 Burkina Fasoย ย ย  38
13/88 Malawiย ย ย  37
13/88 Swazilandย ย ย  37
13/88 Zambiaย ย ย  37
16/94 Beninย ย ย  36
16/94 Djiboutiย ย ย  36
16/94 Senegalย ย ย  36
19/102 Gabonย ย ย  35
19/102 Tanzaniaย ย ย  35
21/105 Gambiaย ย ย  34
21/105 Maliย ย ย  34
23/113 Ethiopiaย ย ย  33
23/113 Nigerย ย ย  33
25/118 Madagascarย ย ย  32
26/123 Mauritaniaย ย ย  31
126/23 Mozambiqueย ย ย  31
26/123 Sierra Leoneย ย ย  31
29/128 Togoย ย ย  30
30/130 Cรดte dยดIvoireย ย ย  29
30/130 Ugandaย ย ย  29
32/133 Comorosย ย ย  28
33/139 Kenyaย ย ย  27
33/139 Nigeriaย ย ย  27
35/144 Cameroonย ย ย  26
35/144 Central African Republicย ย ย  26
35/144 Congo Republicย ย ย  26
38/150 Eritreaย ย ย  25
38/150 Guinea-Bissauย ย ย  25
40/154 Guineaย ย ย  24
41/157 Angolaย ย ย  22
42/160 Democratic Republic of the Congoย ย ย  21
43/163 Equatorial Guineaย ย ย  20
43/163 Zimbabweย ย ย  20
45/165 Burundiย ย ย  19
45/165 Chadย ย ย  19
47/173 Sudanย ย ย  13
48/174 Somaliaย ย ย  8

The full list is availableย here.

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