Saturday, September 14, 2024

Eric Omondi in trouble for taking a joke too far

Comedy is fast rising in Kenya and consequently, comedians are getting a harder time coming up with fresh jokes.

It is no wonderย Eric Omondiย recently got heavy criticism for overstepping what according to many are his boundaries.

During a recent comedy show that was also televised, Eric made a comic strip where he was inย Kisumuย and aping Jesus, he pretended to turn stones into bread. He then asked his โ€˜disciplesโ€™ to bring fish, which he then proceeded to multiply as well.

But Nairobi Pentecostalย Churchย where he is a member did not buy the joke.

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Members felt he was taking a joke too far and they summoned and warned him about it. We can only wait and see what his next jokes will be

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