Sunday, March 16, 2025

Word of the Day: A cheerful Heart

Word of the Day: A cheerful Heart
Word of the Day: A cheerful Heart

A story is given of some scientists who created an artwork that changed according to how the viewer would feel. This program would analyze the position and shape of the mouth, openness of the eyes and angle of the brows to determine the viewer’s physical state. If Joy was detected on the face then the artwork would show up in bright colors then if the face had a scowl then the image would become dark and gloomy.

Our moods can affect the people around us from our family, friends and workmates by either brightening their day or dampening it with our gloomy faces. We need to remember that our lives touch people around us whether for good or bad and the way we behave makes a big difference in others’ lives.

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Our moods can affect the people around us from our family, friends and workmates by either brightening their day or dampening it with our gloomy faces. We need to remember that our lives touch people around us whether for good or bad and the way we behave makes a big difference in others’ lives.

There are however some days that one feels low and cranky but the Bible encourages us to have compassion for others, to love and to be courteous thus being a blessing to those around us (1 Peter 3:8). By depending on the Holy Spirit, we can have a positive impact on every single person we meet even if all we do is smile or listen. Indeed a heart touched by grace brings joy to the face.

“heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”
Proverbs 15:13

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Word of the Day: A cheerful Heart

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