Friday, July 26, 2024

Kenya:The ‘curious onlookers’ menace persists

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 4 – Police had a hard time as they tried to control the hundreds of onlookers who had milled around the two buses that exploded along Thika Road on Sunday afternoon.

Not even the armed police officers manning the area could push the crowd away from the scene despite the imminent danger incase of another explosion.

“You should remain at a safe distance…what will happen if another blast occurs?” one of the police officers appealed at the Roysambu interchange where a Mwiki-bound bus had exploded.

“Allow police do their work and ensure there is no other explosive material.”

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More police officers had to be increased even the special force from the General Service Unit to control the situation.

“We just want to see what is happening,” one of the onlookers could be heard at a far distance.

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The Roysambu blast and that near Homeland Inn, both along Thika Superhighway only shows how much Kenyans need to be educated on precaution measures incase of a similar accident.

The attacks occur as police continue with the month-old Usalama Watch operation which has seen thousands screened and over 200 illegal aliens deported back to the countries.

Despite the operation, the country has continued to be hit by grenade attacks raising the question of the operation’s effectiveness. Critics of the operation argue Police have been only targeting innocent Kenyans but law enforcement agencies maintain that they have been acting on intelligence.

Mombasa and Nairobi cities have been the worst hit by continued attacks.

On social media, members of the public have also expressed their anger.

“We are clearly angrier than our leaders are. I don’t think that they are angry enough. #ThikaRoadBlast #MombasaBlast,” one said.

Esther Passaris said, “A prayer for the families and victims of the #ThikaRoadBlast We’re shaken but not broken. Cowardly attacks on the innocent will not triumph.”

“#SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta that I choose not to complain #ThikaRoadBlast is sad, but I will do my job as a citizen.”

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