Friday, July 26, 2024

ICC accepts Dr.David Matsanga in Uhuru case

A Ugandan scholar has been allowed to make observationsย to the International Criminal Court in the cases involving President Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto.

Dr David Matsanga is scheduled to appear before the Hague-based court on 5 July as a โ€œfriend of the courtโ€ or amicus curiae.

He said he was pushing for the case against President Kenyatta to be dropped because the prosecutorโ€™s office had resorted to interrogating his financial records after key witnesses pulled out.

He said he would seek to show how the court had been misled by the office of the prosecutor on several occasions.

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โ€œThe recent ruling on the financial statements of Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is, in my respectful submission, one most deleterious to the courtโ€™s standing. Hence my application for amicus curiae status in this case,โ€ reads Dr Matsangaโ€™s court papers.

According to him, chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda lost the cases when she said witnesses OTP4, OTP11, and OTP12 gave false testimonies.

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โ€œThe same prosecutor who now seeks the financial records has called her own Mungiki witnesses liars. How exactly will the financial statements of Uhuru Kenyatta help the court when the source of information therefore has been discredited by the OTP?โ€ says Matsanga.


He says the ICC risks losing credibility if it continues pursuing the Presidentโ€™s financial records.

Dr Matsanga wrote to the chamber on 28 April, seeking to be

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