Monday, March 10, 2025

Word of the Day: Your impossible is possible

Word of the Day: Your impossible is possible
Word of the Day: Your impossible is possible

All of us will need a miracle someday; some of us need it now, others will need it in future, while others need it for someone else such as a loved one who is gravely ill. The reason for hopelessness in the world is the belief that the brokenness we have in our lives cannot be repaired. People look at the impossibilities in their lives and feel hopeless and alone. As believers, it is up to us to let them know that the God we believe in changes impossibilities into possibilities.

The gospel is called good news for a reason. Believers in Jesus Christ know this but the unbelievers are too blind to know or even care. They are looking for other sources to fix their impossibilities but like a thief steals to provide for his needs, these solutions may work for a while but always end tragically.

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With God, everything is possible. He is the creator of everything; creations we highly marvel at, like the seas and mountains and the world hung on space by nothing. While the world may give the credit to mother earth, and gravity, we believers are wise enough to know that our Father God is responsible. Let us share our testimonies of how the Lord Jesus Christ has turned impossibilities in our lives into possibilities. Start today by commenting on how God has performed a miracle in your life. Have a blessed day.

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
Luke 18:27

Word of the Day: Your impossible is possible

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