Sunday, March 9, 2025

Drivers Scramble For Cash in Marland After crash

Drivers Scramble For Cash in Marland After crash
Drivers Scramble For Cash in Marland After crash

URBANA, Md. (WJZ) — Thousands of dollars came raining down on drivers during the morning commute in Frederick County after an armored car door malfunctioned. Police say commuters stopped right in the middle of the highway to grab the cash.

Meghan McCorkell spoke with a witness who saw the whole thing.

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Witnesses say it was like something out of a movie when money just started falling from the sky.

It was a sight drivers heading to work could not believe.

“I remembered waking up in the morning. I didn’t think I was dreaming anymore,” said David Minnich, witness.
Minnich was driving along I-270 near Maryland Route 80 in Urbana around 8 a.m. Friday when suddenly he was surrounded in a swirl of $20 bills.

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“All of a sudden everyone hit their brake lights and there was like a cloud of money in the air,” he said.

Investigators say that money came from an armored car from the GardaWorld seccruity company.

“Apparently a door lock failed on the armored vehicle. A door came open and a bag of cash fell out into the fast lane of I-270,” said Greg Shipley, Maryland State Police.

Within seconds, police say multiple drivers stopped right in the middle of 270 and started scooping up thousands of dollars.

Those drivers took off when a fire official on scene turned on his emergency lights.

By the time police arrived there was only $220 left.

The Maryland State Police have now launched a criminal investigation to try and identify the drivers that took the cash.

“You certainly don’t know if there’s a traffic camera or a person with their cell phone taking video,” Shipley said.

As for Minnich, he didn’t stop his car.

“I was afraid I was going to get in trouble if I stopped and just started taking it all,” he said.

But drivers that did put on the brakes could now face theft charges.

Investigators say this afternoon one woman did show up to the police barracks and returned more than $1100.

We appreciate the good samaritan who turned some of the money found on I-270 back into the Frederick Barrack. Thank you for your honesty.

Drivers Scramble For Cash in Marland After crash

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