Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Inspiration: Be careful how you live.

Inspiration: Be careful how you live.
Inspiration: Be careful how you live.

When you come to the realization that time is either working for you or against you, you have only one choice; that is to be careful on how you live your life. Many times we are caught up living our lives based on how we feel, what others expect of us, the cultural and religious expectations. This limits our lives and closes us in misery. It’s easy to live our lives trying to make everyone around us happy except the very person that matters most, “YOU.” You can never make anyone happy unless you are happy yourself, you cannot give what you do not have. Happiness in life comes from accepting who you were created to be, learning from your past mistakes and refusing to be stuck in the past.

(Ephesians 5:15-16)

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I am not sure about you, but I have always heard people tell me “If I were you I would not have done things this way or made this kind of decision.” This statements ring a bell in many people’s ears and when people tell you this, you need to be sensitive to what their motives and judgments are based on. We should never shun from divine wisdom based on the leading of the Holy Spirit, and not the human spirit. Once you are grounded on the fact that everyone is going to have an opinion about everything you present to them, then the key to enjoying your life is: it’s ok for people to give you their opinions. However, what is your opinion and what really gives you peace and happiness? Do not get offended when people give you their opinions.

Opposition and difficulties are part of life, many great people in the world conquered their inner world first. In order to conquer the world outside, they had to walk away from the world first and find solitude a way from everyone and everyone’s opinion. Take time to do the INNER work by looking at the beliefs that are limiting you from living on intention. What keeps you from performing and excelling well? Study seriously the resentments that are draining your energy. What are the scarcity mentality that is blocking your opportunities? The process of becoming great and unique begins by talking to yourself out of every defeating mentality, refusing to be labeled and defined by your past, whether they were mistakes, failures, poor choices wrong judgments caused by you or others.

Reading about Nelson Mandela, you will learn that it was the solitude, degradation, devastation and inhumanity of his time in confinement thatmade him who he became. While he was on Robben Island, he read the books of the iconic leaders. He studied the habits of the great souls. He reflected on the key moral virtues. He transmuted hostility into opportunity. He transformed his anger into forgiveness. In his swearing in ceremony as the first African president of South Africa, he invited his jailers to the ceremony. I want you to think about this his jailers, the ones that toured him were present and invited by him, to come see, his destination table. When Mandela was asked why he invited them, he replied that if they were not there, he’d still be in prison (because his mind would still be in chains).

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For you to live a life that is results-orientated and getting work done in this life, you must be intentional in life. This will demand your time, taking initiative, prioritizing assignments, and maintaining focus on goals. Be intentional in setting realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and track progress. You must be intentional in retaining the faith that gives you energy and encourages growth. Make intentional lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional balance.

The apostle Paul puts it this way “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans8:18.

Have a joyous week, if you are in the San Jose area please visit us in monthly meeting coming April 11th. For more information visit our website at “, e-mail us at “ or Tel4088336456

By Evangelist Isabella Mwango

Inspiration: Be careful how you live.

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