Saturday, September 7, 2024

Bomet police boss warns chiefs for attending Rutto’s meeting

Bomet police boss warns chiefs for attending Rutto's meeting
Bomet police boss warns chiefs for attending Rutto’s meeting

A chief and three assistants in Bomet risk disciplinary across for attending a meeting at Governor Isaac Rutto’s resident without clearance.

The meeting’s agenda was private, read a notice signed by Bomet East deputy county commissioner Paul Papa.

In the notice dated June 12, the four were given seven days to show why they should not be disciplined for gross misconduct.

Kapkimolwa chief Paul Langat, and assistant chiefs Joseph Koskei (Koibeyon), Samuel Keter (Kiptulwa) and Metgory Rono (Kapkimolwo) reportedly intended to discuss development with the governor.

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They were served with the letters two days after 66 leaders met at Rutto’s home in Chepalungu on June 10.

The attendants included elders, clergymen, youth, women leaders and school management boards.

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Papa denied writing the letter copied to county commissioner Pauline Dola.

“I do not remember writing or even signing such a letter. Maybe you can find out from the DCIO,” he said.

Longisa MCA Stephen Changmorik, who attended the meeting, expressed disappointment over the letter.

He noted that the meeting was not political but consultative, bringing opinion leaders and administrators together.

“For one to face disciplinary action over the same is uncalled for and purely a case of witch-hunting,” he said.

“Those in the national government should know the two levels for government are serving the same people, we should not be working at cross purposes.”

A statement from Rutto’s office said nothing discussed at the meeting warranted disciplinary action against the chiefs.

“Rutto is not a pedestrian politician. He routinely consults with officers and administrators in the national government including the county commissioner,” it said.

“For a junior officer to be punished for holding consultative meetings with the governor is unwarranted and a clear indication that some senior officers in the national government are still in denial that the counties are here to stay.”

Bomet police boss warns chiefs for attending Rutto’s meeting


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