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Tag: Isaac Ruto

Chopper Ride: Isaac Ruto Speaks Out Over Secret Meeting With Uhuru

Chopper Ride: Isaac Ruto Speaks Out Over Secret Meeting With Uhuru. Former Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto, has spoken out to allay speculations of a union with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Power vacancy in Bomet: Isaac Ruto Visits Raila Over Succession Plans

Power vacancy in Bomet: Isaac Ruto Visits Raila Over Succession Plans: Former Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto, made his way to Raila Odinga's Capitol Hill offices in Nairobi, for an extensive meeting.

Isaac Ruto given black out at Laboso’s memorial and burial services

Isaac Ruto given black out at Laboso’s memorial and burial services: Failure to give ousted Bomet governor Isaac Ruto a chance to address mourners at the burial of Joyce Laboso has elicited mixed reactions.

Isaac Ruto’s Message to Kenyans After Visiting Ailing Joyce Laboso

Isaac Ruto's Message to Kenyans After Visiting Ailing Joyce Laboso: Former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto, on Thursday, flew to India in a bid to visit the ailing county boss, Joyce Laboso.

Isaac Ruto’s next plan after missing out cabinet appointment

Former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto is now keen to revamp his Chama Cha Mashinani party besides rescuing his dwindling political fortunes in South Rift region, it has now emerged.

Bundotich alias Buzeki; Is this the anti-Ruto team in Rift Valley?

Former Uasin Gishu gubernatorial aspirant Zezekiah Kiprop Bundotich alias Buzeki was on Wednesday part of a closed-door meeting that brought together a group of politicians from the Rift Valley region. 

I will not sabotage Laboso, says Isaac Rutto

Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso shared a stage for the first time since her swearing-in with her predecessor Isaac Rutto and agreed to bury the...

Isaac Rutto is corrupt, don’t include him in your Cabinet

Bomet MCAs have opposed lobbying to have former Governor Isaac Rutto rewarded with a Cabinet slot. At a press conference in Bomet on Friday, the...

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